simonmichael / hledger

Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
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make JSON more consumable, avoid very large numbers for repeating decimals #1195

Open matteodelabre opened 4 years ago

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

When using hledger’s inferring of transaction prices for unit prices that cannot be exactly represented in decimal, the values that show up in API responses can be very large (up to 255 decimal digits). Consider for example the following transaction:

2042/02/22 Problematic transaction
    acc1    10.20 USD
    acc2    10.20 USD
    acc3   -13.97 CAD

Running hledger-web on this transaction, the following response is produced by the API (excerpt):

    "tpostings": [
        "pamount": [
            "aprice": {
              "tag": "UnitPrice",
              "contents": {
                "aprice": null,
                "acommodity": "CAD",
                "aquantity": {
                  "decimalPlaces": 255,
                  "decimalMantissa": 684803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627
                "aismultiplier": false
            "acommodity": "USD",
            "aquantity": {
              "decimalPlaces": 2,
              "decimalMantissa": 1020
            "aismultiplier": false

Although this is technically valid JSON, it is far outside the range of usual numeric datatypes in most languages. (An unsigned long value would only allow for up to 19 decimal digits.) This notably breaks MoLe because it tries to parse all numbers as Java longs.

Do you think this is better addressed in here or that clients should be prepared to handle very large numbers?

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Ooh, good point. I expect that's an irrational number or repeating decimal. In the JSON we don't round these based on display precision, as the UIs do.

We want the JSON to be usable by others. We'd like to minimise imprecision. Ideally we'd like hledger -> JSON -> hledger roundtripping to not be lossy.

What trade off would you suggest ?

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

Right, it's definitely a repeating decimal—and if I'm not mistaken, we should never get irrational numbers because the unit price is computed by dividing two decimal numbers. Because of this, an option would be to give the unit price as a fraction. It could be something like this for the previous example:

"aprice": {
  "tag": "UnitPrice",
  "contents": {
    "aprice": null,
    "acommodity": "CAD",
    "aquantity": {
      "isFraction": true,
      "numerator": 1397,
      "denominator": 2040,
    "aismultiplier": false

Another option would be to pass numbers as strings, but this is less elegant IMHO.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what is the best solution here, considering all ramifications. @matteodelabre are you a Mole user ? I can suggest a hledger-web patch or two you could try, for some real world testing.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

print, register, balance etc. in master now support -O json, for easier troubleshooting.

Here's an example based on the above:

  a   10.20 A
  b   10.20 A
  c  -13.97 B

Output with -x, showing the transaction prices inferred for postings a and b:

$ hledger print -x
    a    10.20 A @ 0.6848 B
    b    10.20 A @ 0.6848 B
    c              -13.97 B

(Giant) output with -O json:

$ hledger print -O json
  [ Object
         [ ( "tcomment" , String "" )
         , ( "tpostings"
           , Array
               [ Object
                      [ ( "pbalanceassertion" , Null )
                      , ( "pstatus" , String "Unmarked" )
                      , ( "pamount"
                        , Array
                            [ Object
                                   [ ( "aprice"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "tag" , String "UnitPrice" )
                                            , ( "contents"
                                              , Object
                                                     [ ( "aprice" , Null )
                                                     , ( "acommodity" , String "B" )
                                                     , ( "aquantity"
                                                       , Object
                                                              [ ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 255.0 )
                                                              , ( "decimalMantissa"
                                                                , Number
                                                     , ( "aismultiplier" , Bool False )
                                                     , ( "astyle"
                                                       , Object
                                                              [ ( "ascommodityside" , String "R" )
                                                              , ( "asdigitgroups" , Null )
                                                              , ( "ascommodityspaced" , Bool True )
                                                              , ( "asprecision" , Number 4.0 )
                                                              , ( "asdecimalpoint" , String "." )
                                   , ( "acommodity" , String "A" )
                                   , ( "aquantity"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "decimalMantissa" , Number 1020.0 )
                                   , ( "aismultiplier" , Bool False )
                                   , ( "astyle"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "ascommodityside" , String "R" )
                                            , ( "asdigitgroups" , Null )
                                            , ( "ascommodityspaced" , Bool True )
                                            , ( "asprecision" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "asdecimalpoint" , String "." )
                      , ( "ptransaction_" , String "1" )
                      , ( "paccount" , String "a" )
                      , ( "pdate" , Null )
                      , ( "ptype" , String "RegularPosting" )
                      , ( "pcomment" , String "" )
                      , ( "pdate2" , Null )
                      , ( "ptags" , Array [] )
                      , ( "poriginal" , Null )
               , Object
                      [ ( "pbalanceassertion" , Null )
                      , ( "pstatus" , String "Unmarked" )
                      , ( "pamount"
                        , Array
                            [ Object
                                   [ ( "aprice"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "tag" , String "UnitPrice" )
                                            , ( "contents"
                                              , Object
                                                     [ ( "aprice" , Null )
                                                     , ( "acommodity" , String "B" )
                                                     , ( "aquantity"
                                                       , Object
                                                              [ ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 255.0 )
                                                              , ( "decimalMantissa"
                                                                , Number
                                                     , ( "aismultiplier" , Bool False )
                                                     , ( "astyle"
                                                       , Object
                                                              [ ( "ascommodityside" , String "R" )
                                                              , ( "asdigitgroups" , Null )
                                                              , ( "ascommodityspaced" , Bool True )
                                                              , ( "asprecision" , Number 4.0 )
                                                              , ( "asdecimalpoint" , String "." )
                                   , ( "acommodity" , String "A" )
                                   , ( "aquantity"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "decimalMantissa" , Number 1020.0 )
                                   , ( "aismultiplier" , Bool False )
                                   , ( "astyle"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "ascommodityside" , String "R" )
                                            , ( "asdigitgroups" , Null )
                                            , ( "ascommodityspaced" , Bool True )
                                            , ( "asprecision" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "asdecimalpoint" , String "." )
                      , ( "ptransaction_" , String "1" )
                      , ( "paccount" , String "b" )
                      , ( "pdate" , Null )
                      , ( "ptype" , String "RegularPosting" )
                      , ( "pcomment" , String "" )
                      , ( "pdate2" , Null )
                      , ( "ptags" , Array [] )
                      , ( "poriginal" , Null )
               , Object
                      [ ( "pbalanceassertion" , Null )
                      , ( "pstatus" , String "Unmarked" )
                      , ( "pamount"
                        , Array
                            [ Object
                                   [ ( "aprice" , Null )
                                   , ( "acommodity" , String "B" )
                                   , ( "aquantity"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "decimalMantissa" , Number (-1397.0) )
                                   , ( "aismultiplier" , Bool False )
                                   , ( "astyle"
                                     , Object
                                            [ ( "ascommodityside" , String "R" )
                                            , ( "asdigitgroups" , Null )
                                            , ( "ascommodityspaced" , Bool True )
                                            , ( "asprecision" , Number 2.0 )
                                            , ( "asdecimalpoint" , String "." )
                      , ( "ptransaction_" , String "1" )
                      , ( "paccount" , String "c" )
                      , ( "pdate" , Null )
                      , ( "ptype" , String "RegularPosting" )
                      , ( "pcomment" , String "" )
                      , ( "pdate2" , Null )
                      , ( "ptags" , Array [] )
                      , ( "poriginal" , Null )
         , ( "ttags" , Array [] )
         , ( "tsourcepos"
           , Object
                  [ ( "tag" , String "JournalSourcePos" )
                  , ( "contents"
                    , Array
                        [ String "/Users/simon/src/PLAINTEXTACCOUNTING/hledger/a.j"
                        , Array [ Number 1.0 , Number 4.0 ]
         , ( "tdate" , String "2020-01-01" )
         , ( "tcode" , String "" )
         , ( "tindex" , Number 1.0 )
         , ( "tprecedingcomment" , String "" )
         , ( "tdate2" , Null )
         , ( "tdescription" , String "" )
         , ( "tstatus" , String "Unmarked" )

The unit prices are rendered with the maximum 255 digits supported by the Decimal library. They also seem to be in scientific notation - e254 at the end, which is interesting - maybe it should be e-1 ?

And FWIW here's the same example with a very high display precision. Text report rendering seems to max out at 44 decimal digits for some reason (and 88 in the unit price amounts, I'll guess because they're the product of two 44-digit amounts).

commodity A 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
commodity B 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  a   10.20 A
  b   10.20 A
  c  -13.97 B
$ hledger print -x
    a    A 10.20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 @ B 0.6848039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392
    b    A 10.20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 @ B 0.6848039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392
    c                                                                                                  B -13.97000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Should we replace the 255-digit amounts in JSON with fewer-digit amounts ? Or include both ? What would be the right maximum number of digits ? Should we use the same number as in text reports (display precision), or something more like 10, 20, 30.. ?

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

..and/or include rational numbers (numerator & denominator), as suggested ? What could read such JSON ? Can Mole actually read the current JSON successfully, when numbers are normal sized ?

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

I think such infinitely-precise numbers arise only with implicit transaction prices - where hledger divides two numbers. And for hledger such prices only need to be precise enough to make the postings balance at display precision. So we could do what text reports do, and cap the number of digits at 2x the largest number of digits in the posting amounts. Maybe that can still be too many digits for json consumers. I’d like to know how many digits eg javascript can handle. And is it the same for integers and floating point numbers ? We could use rational numbers to represent the number exactly but realistically is any json user going to use those...

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

@matteodelabre are you a Mole user ? I can suggest a hledger-web patch or two you could try, for some real world testing.

I am indeed! I would gladly test patches.

print, register, balance etc. in master now support -O json, for easier troubleshooting.

Do they? I just tried to build from master and using the -O json option on the compiled binaries seems to have no effect, I only get classic text output.

[Should we] include rational numbers (numerator & denominator), as suggested ? What could read such JSON ?

If we’re talking about MoLe, it parses the whole JSON input in memory and then uses only the fields it is interested in. At the moment, even though I haven’t read the whole source code, I am fairly confident that the app does not use transaction price-related fields. Therefore, it only crashes during the parsing step because some number it’s not interested in is too large in the input.

Can Mole actually read the current JSON successfully, when numbers are normal sized ?

I assume it can, because, as far as I can tell, the app only crashes when those large numbers appear in the JSON output.

We could use rational numbers to represent the number exactly but realistically is any json user going to use those...

Good point, although rational numbers are interesting because they allow the user to choose whatever precision they want.

I think such infinitely-precise numbers arise only with implicit transaction prices - where hledger divides two numbers. And for hledger such prices only need to be precise enough to make the postings balance at display precision. So we could do what text reports do, and cap the number of digits at 2x the largest number of digits in the posting amounts.

I agree, this is a good compromise. However as you showed, the number of digits in the posting amounts is not limited, so this would require capping the precision to a maximum number of digits anyway.

Maybe that can still be too many digits for json consumers. I’d like to know how many digits eg javascript can handle. And is it the same for integers and floating point numbers ?

So, all in all, I think 15 digits is a safe limit for most JSON consumers.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

My apologies, you were right. I've pushed to master now.

Great info, thanks. You mention integers - I'm still a bit confused, does this also in effect mean significant digits, including decimal digits ? Or is that a separate limit ?

PR #1196 is ready for testing:

Amounts in JSON are now rendered as simple Numbers with up to 10 decimal places, instead of Decimal objects which would in some cases have 255 digits, too many for most JSON parsers to handle. A provisional fix, see the comment in Json.hs for more detail.

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

Apologies for the delay in testing.

Great info, thanks. You mention integers - I'm still a bit confused, does this also in effect mean significant digits, including decimal digits ? Or is that a separate limit ?

Sorry about the confusion in my previous message. I specifically researched the number of digits that can be stored in integers because in the old format all numbers were integers. (A number like 20.4 was serialized to {"decimalMantissa": 204, "decimalPlaces": 1}, if I’m not mistaken.) And when using the phrase “decimal digits” I meant “decimal” as in “digits in base 10”, not “digits in the fractional part of the number”. (Again, sorry about that, probably an artifact of me not being a native speaker.)

In my opinion the fact that all numbers were integers was quite an useful property, because most JSON readers will convert fractional numbers to floating point numbers with no choice to opt for another representation. Consider for example the following Python REPL session:

>>> import json
>>> obj = json.loads('{"integerNumber": 204}')
>>> type(obj['integerNumber'])
<class 'int'>
>>> obj = json.loads('{"fractionalNumber": 20.4}')
>>> type(obj['fractionalNumber'])
<class 'float'>

That’s a shame because floating point numbers are ill-suited to representing base-10 fractional numbers. For example, even a simple number like 0.3 cannot be exactly represented:

>>> 0.2 + 0.1

As a consequence, if we were to formally consider the question “How many decimal digits can be exactly represented in a floating point number?”, I’d answer “0”.

PR #1196 is ready for testing:

Amounts in JSON are now rendered as simple Numbers with up to 10 decimal places, instead of Decimal objects which would in some cases have 255 digits, too many for most JSON parsers to handle. A provisional fix, see the comment in Json.hs for more detail.

After testing, it appears that I was mistaken. MoLe does not simply parse the whole JSON payload without consideration of its structure. It actually relies on the precise structure to do its parsing. In particular, it expects transaction amounts to have decimalMantissa and decimalPlaces field as existed when using Decimal objects. Sorry about my misleading comment on the matter above.

Therefore, the pull request code makes MoLe crash in a new way, because it can’t find these fields it expects inside transaction amounts.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Oops. Thanks for the testing and info. Of course we don't like to use floating point for quantities, but I had formed the impression it was a necessary evil in JSON land. Apparently not for Mole! If other JSON clients need a simple floating point representation in future, we could provide it in addition.

So what do you think is the best solution ? Keep using Decimal objects, but limit them to integers of 15 significant digits ? And prevent the intermittent/possibly wrong appearance of scientific notation ?

Ccing @adept

adept commented 4 years ago

Original report says "This notably breaks MoLe because it tries to parse all numbers as Java longs."

Java longs are up to 2^63-1 (9223372036854775808), which is 19 digits. Since Decimal objects would essentially cater for MoLe needs only (are there any other known consumers?), this could be the guideline ...

Alternatively, we can ship Decimal object AND a float, for maximum flexibility ...

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

Keep using Decimal objects, but limit them to integers of 15 significant digits ?

I think this is a good solution because it would minimize change in the JSON structure.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Related info: aeson uses the Scientific type when rendering our Decimals, or any numbers, as JSON. And scientific seems a bit buggy and under-maintained. Be aware.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Here's how including both representations could look:

instance ToJSON Decimal where
  toJSON d = object
    ["decimalPlaces"   .= toJSON decimalPlaces
    ,"decimalMantissa" .= toJSON decimalMantissa
    ,"floatingPoint"   .= toJSON (fromRational $ toRational d' :: Double)
    where d'@Decimal{..} = roundTo 15 d
ghci> pprint $ toJSON (22/7::Decimal)
     [ ( "floatingPoint" , Number 3.142857142857143 )
     , ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 15.0 )
     , ( "decimalMantissa" , Number 3.142857142857143e15 )


simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Do you think providing both the large integer and a small floating point will still break JSON consumers ? Ie does the presence of a large number somewhere in the JSON break them, even if they don't need to use it ?

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

Here's how including both representations could look:

instance ToJSON Decimal where
  toJSON d = object
    ["decimalPlaces"   .= toJSON decimalPlaces
    ,"decimalMantissa" .= toJSON decimalMantissa
    ,"floatingPoint"   .= toJSON (fromRational $ toRational d' :: Double)
    where d'@Decimal{..} = roundTo 15 d

Just tested this with MoLe and it works. Looks like the app—luckily—does not check that no unexpected fields are present (like floatingPoint in this case).

  • aeson/scientific is showing the decimalMantissa in scientific notation, which it seems to do unpredictably. It comes from an integer, can we rely on it always working like an integer for Mole etc. ? Perhaps.

I think that this is only an artifact of the JSON printer which is used for the -O json option.

     [ ( "floatingPoint" , Number (-20.4) )
     , ( "decimalPlaces" , Number 15.0 )
     , ( "decimalMantissa" , Number (-2.04e16) )

When inspecting the JSON object produced by hledger-web, no number is in scientific notation.


By the way, because of this kind of discrepancies, in my opinion it would be great (if technically possible) to use the same JSON printer in hledger print -O json as in hledger-web’s API.

Do you think providing both the large integer and a small floating point will still break JSON consumers ? Ie does the presence of a large number somewhere in the JSON break them, even if they don't need to use it ?

I used the following piece of code to test whether this was the case (please excuse my non-existent Haskell skills):

instance ToJSON Decimal where
  toJSON d = object
    ["decimalPlaces"       .= toJSON (decimalPlaces (roundTo 15 d))
    ,"decimalMantissa"     .= toJSON (decimalMantissa (roundTo 15 d))
    ,"fullDecimalPlaces"   .= toJSON (decimalPlaces d)
    ,"fullDecimalMantissa" .= toJSON (decimalMantissa d)
    ,"floatingPoint"       .= toJSON (fromRational $ toRational d :: Double)

Which creates a JSON object that looks like this (for the offending example):

"aquantity": {
    "floatingPoint": 0.6848039215686275,
    "fullDecimalPlaces": 255,
    "decimalPlaces": 15,
    "fullDecimalMantissa": 684803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627450980392156862745098039215686274509803921568627,
    "decimalMantissa": 684803921568627

This does not break the app, as it appears that it only converts to numbers the fields that it is interested in. Although I’m certain that there is a JSON parser out there that would not cope as well with this.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the testing @matteodelabre. hledger-web and hledger do use the same JSON output code. I think the scientific notation kicks in above a certain magnitude, I won't say more as I've forgotten the details.

I think the question is, do we bother to include the high precision Decimal object in our JSON ? Or do we drop it until an actual need arises, and for now just provide the dreaded floating point, to make the JSON more compatible with the rest of the world ?

AFAIK Mole is the only consumer of our JSON so far. I'm a bit confused about its status. @matteodelabre are you a Mole user ? Developer ? Do you know which hledger-web versions it works with today, if any ?

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

I think the question is, do we bother to include the high precision Decimal object in our JSON ? Or do we drop it until an actual need arises, and for now just provide the dreaded floating point, to make the JSON more compatible with the rest of the world ?

I concur, I don’t see the need for high precision decimals in the use cases that we studied so far. MoLe just converts decimals to floating points internally anyway. However, simply dropping the decimalPlaces and decimalMantissa fields would mandate a change in MoLe’s source code as it currently relies on them. A truncated decimal object as you proposed above would be ideal if we wish to avoid this.

AFAIK Mole is the only consumer of our JSON so far. I'm a bit confused about its status. @matteodelabre are you a Mole user ? Developer ? Do you know which hledger-web versions it works with today, if any ?

I’m afraid I don’t have much additional information. I’m mainly a MoLe user, having only contributed one patch in the past (also related to the JSON interface with hledger-web). But I don’t exclude the possibility of contributing more substantially to the project in the future.

As for the version compatibility, some information is provided on the home page: “MoLe is known to work with hledger-web versions 1.10 and 1.14. Versions 1.11-1.13 are problematic because the HTML has changed compared to 1.10 and they lack the JSON API introduced in 1.14.” Additionally, looking at the source code and the changelog, it also supports versions 1.15 and 1.16. I’ve successfully used the app with hledger-web versions 1.14 through 1.16, provided that I avoid problematic inferred transaction prices.

real-dam commented 4 years ago

Hi, MoLe author here,

I can confirm your observation that adding fields to the JSON API doesn't break MoLe.

I have in my TODO list to make MoLe work with large values (using java's BigDecimal) for when there is a 20-digit integer in the ledger, entered by the user. This would fix the crash with conversions resulting in periodic decimals. The BigDecimal adoption will happen in the foreseeable future, but not very soon - months, not weeks. (At the moment I am working on commodity support when entering new transactions and time is scarce).

The one time I experienced the crash (in a ledger from 2016), I was able to work around it by replacing the inferred price with a fixed conversion (not sure about the terminology):

2020/03/08 fruits
  expenses:misc  22 apples @@ 7
  assets:cash   -7

Yes, that would result in a periodic decimal for the price, which would have the same problem, but since MoLe doesn't try to get a number out of the price JSON fields, so this is not a crasher.

I don't feel I can recommend limiting precision or including floats in hledger-web's JSON output for something that I see as a bug in MoLe.

matteodelabre commented 4 years ago

Hi Damyan,

Although I agree with you that it is mostly a bug on MoLe’s side, there is something in this that could be seen as a bug in hledger (or rather some unexpected behavior): we can get very large numbers in the JSON output even for journals that only contain small numbers.

If we want to solve this and avoid the loss of precision, there is always the solution of providing the conversion rate as a ratio of two numbers (as mentioned above), which has the advantage of keeping the number of digits proportional to the number of digits in the original journal file.

edwintorok commented 2 years ago

Would adding a decimalString field help with JSON interoperability? According to the JSON specification:

This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range and precision of numbers accepted [...] numbers that are integers and are in the range [-(253)+1, (253)-1] are interoperable in the sense that implementations will agree exactly on their numeric values

JSON doesn't provide a way to transport arbitrary precision integers or decimals, and having them as string might be the best way to avoid unintended rounding or errors due to very large numbers.

Obviously you need to specify a cutoff point since strings don't have infinite precision either, but at least: