simonmichael / hledger

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Support for Commodity equivalences #678

Open rainbyte opened 6 years ago

rainbyte commented 6 years ago

I'm having trouble migrating a ledger-cli journal to hledger, which uses C directive.

My file is similar to this one (but contains more transactions)

commodity mBTC
commodity BTC
commodity ARS

C 1 BTC = 1000 mBTC

2017/12/22 saldo inicial
    activo:bitcoin wallet a    3 BTC
    activo:bitcoin wallet b    2 BTC
    activo:efectivo         1000 ARS
    saldo inicial

2017/12/22 compra bitcoins 1
    activo:bitcoin wallet a    1000 mBTC
    gastos:comisiones             1 mBTC
    activo:bitcoin wallet b   -1.001 BTC

; This is the problematic transaction
2017/12/22 compra bitcoins 2
    activo:bitcoin wallet a    1000 mBTC
    gastos:comisiones            260 ARS @@ 1 mBTC
    activo:bitcoin wallet b   -1.001 BTC

The error:

hledger: could not balance this transaction (real postings are off by -1.001 BTC
 1001 mBTC)
2017/12/22 compra bitcoins 2
    activo:bitcoin wallet a            1000 mBTC
    gastos:comisiones          260 ARS @@ 1 mBTC
    activo:bitcoin wallet b           -1.001 BTC

It seems hledger has problems to handle balance for last transaction, which is valid on ledger-cli.

Also, if last transaction is commented, balance shows BTC and mBTC separated.

Early I have cloned the repo and found that the is a commodityconversiondirectivep function. But this seems to be an unimplemented feature after all.

I'm whiling to write the missing code if a bit of guiding is given.


rainbyte commented 6 years ago

This feature is mentioned here inside ledger-cli docs page

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

@rainbyte that's right, we don't have that feature yet. Partly because we are trying to reduce feature count, partly because nobody needed it or did it yet.

I minified the example some more:


; hledger accepts but ignores this
C 1 BTC = 1000 mBTC

; hledger accepts these, treating BTC and mBTC as separate commodities, -B required to combine them

    a    1000 mBTC
    b       -1 BTC

    a    1000 mBTC
    c       1 mBTC
    b   -1.001 BTC

    a    1000 mBTC
    c       1 mBTC
    b   -1.001 BTC

    a     1000 mBTC
    c      260 ARS @@ 1 mBTC
    b    -1001 mBTC

; hledger does not understand this:

    a    1000 mBTC
    c      260 ARS @@ 1 mBTC  ; or @@ 0.001 BTC
    b   -1.001 BTC

As you see from the comments, it treats them as separate commodities, for which -B may be a workaround. But it gets confused by the last transaction, which it probably should not.

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

PS so on the question of whether the above failure is a bug in the current feature set.. We could make the (complex) transaction balancing code more clever, and handle cases like the above. Will that be a final fix, or will there always be more complex ways of adding prices and confusing it ? I'm not sure.

rainbyte commented 6 years ago

First, thanks for the fast answer :+1:

I think equivalences feature would be useful given the usage of cryptocurrencies today.

At least cases like this one should be supported:

C 1 BTC = 1000 mBTC
C 1 mBTC = 1000 uBTC
C 1 sat = 0.00001 mBTC

It is really easy to get confused when writing various zeros (eg. 0.0001 BTC vs 0.1 mBTC).

In my case I prefer using mBTC myself, and BTC only via copy-paste from exchange.

I'm reading the hledger code (and also ledger-cli code to see how it is done there).

Let's see if I can contribute something to hledger :D

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

Ok, good. To avoid wasted work, I often draft the docs first (a reference manual entry). This helps me get the semantics clear. I haven't used this feature, and it might be explained in the Ledger manual, but it will be good to have a doc explaining

lordi commented 6 years ago

My use case for this feature is time tracking, as mentioned in the ledger docs. Currently the reports generated with hledger show hours and minutes as different commodities, compared to those generated with ledger which show minutes when below 1 h, and hours otherwise.

ony commented 6 years ago

I also got a use-case for it to track traffic KB/MB/GB/etc... Probably we still need commodity directive to have default representation. But on the other hand it is completely useless to show 0.000 GB. And showing all numbers in the smallest units also tedious while having a "smart" adaptation and seeing mix in balance might be even worse.

"smart" choose of unit might be reasonable based on whole report. Like get the biggest one which doesn't render non-zero values to zero. Also as shown above it makes sense to have style (mostly for precision) to be associated with each unit.

So my suggestion:

For simplicity we may forbid tree of conversion and enforce only chain:

C 1 X = 1000 Y
C 1 X = 100 Z
C 10 K = 1 Z  ; ambigous 1 X can be either 1000 Y or 1000 K
simonmichael commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the draft spec. I'm not sure we have to worry about "0.000 GB" - if the user has configured things that way perhaps they want it to appear as "zero".

I'm concerned about complexity and the long tail of bugs that may follow. Any benefit in an alternate syntax using subdirectives of commodity ?

ony commented 6 years ago

@simonmichael, do you mean that we can require something like:

commodity 1,000,000,000 B
  unit 1.0 KB = 1024 B  ; inherits base but overrides for KB precision
  unit 1.000 MB = 1,048,576 B  ; right hand side always in base unit?

Then hledger bal --preferred-unit MB --preferred-unit minute.

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

Yes, for example. If it turned out to lead to something clearer and more usable. Since I suppose we shouldn't let tradition and compatibility stop us from evolving.

But we'd probably want to support Ledger-style C as well, at least for a while. Or provide a from-Ledger conversion tool. Or, add a Ledger-specific parser, again.

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

Also "C" always seems non-mnemonic to me - what does it stand for ? We have some directives that are words, some that are single letters; it would be nice to be more consistent some day, eg by allowing a short and long form of every directive.

simonmichael commented 6 years ago

In fact it's quite a pity C isn't available as shorthand for "commodity"!

alensiljak commented 5 years ago

In fact it's quite a pity C isn't available as shorthand for "commodity"!

I agree. Specifying the equivalence could be a metadata under commodity. Here is my case. I'm using this functionality in ledger to use business days for tracking the vacation allowance, to match the report from HR. Here is sample content:

commodity bd
;   note business day
;   format 1,000.00 bd

; conversion
C 1.00 bd = 8h

2019-01-01 Start
    Assets:Vacation    10 bd
    Equity:Opening Balances    -10 bd

2019-01-05 Test hours, half day
    Assets:Vacation    -4h
    Expenses:Vacation    4h

2019-01-06 Two hours
    Expenses:Vacation    2h
    Assets:Vacation    -2h

2019-02-01 New month
    Assets:Vacation    2 bd
    Income:Vacation    -2 bd

As noted earlier, hours and business days are listed as separate commodities in the balance report.

Separately, I would really like to see the support for metadata, like notes or currency formats. If there is a workaround, I'd appreciate any hints.

I've just skimmed the issues and see there are several discussions about this last point.
Myridium commented 4 years ago

Is this going to be implemented? Do we have a way to display the dollar symbol in reports but write transactions as USD for instance?

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

Nobody is working on it. Would you like to try, or put a bounty on it ? Right now you’d have to use sed.

Myridium commented 4 years ago

Thanks for inviting me to contribute. I would like to but I don't know to reverse-engineer the application enough to do this. It doesn't help that I'm brand new to ledger/hledger.

simonmichael commented 4 years ago

No problem. We welcome new haskellers and even new programmers, so if you ever want to try come to #hledger for help.