simonpoole / beautified-JOSM-preset

Improved version of the JOSM presets
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The key "oneway" could (or should) be added to "Chair Lift" #440

Closed jajajaneeneenee closed 6 months ago

jajajaneeneenee commented 6 months ago

I was recently surprised to learn that for chairlifts (aerialway=chair_lift) the default value is oneway=yes, i.e. travel only in one direction. However, chairlifts can also run in both directions, in which case oneway=no must be set. There is such a two-way chairlift in my city in a large park, not on a mountain ...

The oneway key is missing in the item "Chair Lift" and could possibly be added as a combo, perhaps even with an explanatory label text in front of it, e.g.:

<label text="Chairlifts can go in one direction only (e.g. upwards) or in both directions. This is tagged by the oneway key:" />
<combo key="oneway" text="Oneway" values_sort="false">
    <list_entry value="yes" display_value="Yes (default)" />
    <list_entry value="no" display_value="No (two-way chairlift)" />

Of course, a check field would also be possible, but I find that a bit strange with a "no" value:

<check key="oneway" text="Oneway = no" value_on="no" disable_off="true"/>

This doesn't seem to be necessary for aerialway=gondola (or aerialway=cable_car, aerialway=mixed_lift, aerialway=goods), for example. Here the default seems to be two-ways. And it's also not necessary for aerialway=drag_lift (and other drag lift types) and aerialway=magic_carpet, that only ever go in one direction.

By the way, JOSM follows these defaults and draws directional arrows on the line at aerialway=chair_lift (if not oneway=no), aerialway=drag_lift (and other drag lift types) and aerialway=magic_carpet.