simonradier / node-red-contrib-selenium-wd2

Selenium nodes for Node-Red
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 7 forks source link

Is 9f411b3 still necessary #11

Closed MyGg29 closed 3 years ago

MyGg29 commented 3 years ago

In 9f411b3 , patch 0.1.4,

Added a system of postinstall to patch selenium-webdriver http client behavior (temporary)

The patch http.js present in the project is now 6 months old. I don't really get why it exist but maybe selenium-webdriver got an actual patch ? This fix doesn't feel really good to use, especially since cp doesn't exist in windows, so you basicaly can't use the package in windows if you don't know what you're doing and don't use git bash

simonradier commented 3 years ago

Hi @MyGg29, This fix is needed because Selenium node.js version 4.0.X has a weird implementation of the webdriver management which prevent webdriver to be modified by node-red. The good news, is that I'm working on a 0.2.x which get rid of selenium webdriver implementation. No more dirty cp and it works on Windows / Linux / MacOS. I'll publish a beta soon, so you will be able to test it.

I hope it answers your expectations.

Best regards,

MyGg29 commented 3 years ago

It does ! Thank you !