simonradier / node-red-contrib-selenium-wd2

Selenium nodes for Node-Red
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 7 forks source link should not replace #12

Closed MyGg29 closed 1 year ago

MyGg29 commented 3 years ago

Hi again, This behavior is anoying because it forces us to reset to undefined after clicking on something in order not to click on something else with target defined in the node later on. shouldn't replace should replace This behavior exists in many other librairies.

This is the same for every other parameters

simonradier commented 3 years ago

Hi @MyGg29 Just to be sure, you mean that the parameter value from node configuration should be prioritirized over the parameter value from msg?

I got your point with the issue than a msg' parameter value will override all following nodes' parameter. My question is, how you would override the node configuration if needed?

Thanks for your feedback,

MyGg29 commented 3 years ago

how you would override the node configuration if needed?

You wouldn't be able to. But it's not really a use case is it ? If you want to do that then put a function block before it with = msg.overwritten || "defaultValue" or something like that. But right now can't do that image You need to do this : image

It would be a breaking change. But it's just a suggestion 😄

However, they do that in node-red-contrib-selenium-webdriver. Their doc is just outdated. It would make it easier for people to migrate.

simonradier commented 1 year ago

Hi @MyGg29 (long time sorry...),

I made a new package which switches to this behavior : node-red-contrib-simple-webdriver

Thanks again for your piece of advice,