simonradier / node-red-contrib-selenium-wd2

Selenium nodes for Node-Red
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 7 forks source link

[Roadmap] Target for version 0.2.x #6

Closed simonradier closed 1 year ago

simonradier commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I want to give you some insight about the version 0.2.x. It will mainly focus toget rid of the selenium-webdriver library which is the javascript webdriver client I use. It will not change the behavior of the component, but it may improve the speed of the node execution and ease their maintenance. Main reasons are the following :

At the moment, I'll try a partial implementation of a webdriver client thanks to the API which is described here. It will be pushed in a dedicated branch in order to limit the impact on the branch 0.1.X.

If you want to discuss with me about this modification please don't hesitate to reply here.