simonradier / node-red-contrib-simple-webdriver

SimpleWebdriver nodes for Node-RED initially based on node-red-contrib-selenium-wd2
Apache License 2.0
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Screenshot and notify? #44

Closed FabioEight closed 9 months ago

FabioEight commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for your work on this!

I was wondering if there is a tested way to retrieve a webpage screenshot and then use it via notify service of Home Assistant. Basically, the target is to get a screenshot of a webpage via notification.

Thank you!

simonradier commented 1 year ago

Hi @FabioEight,

Thanks for your feedback. I don't know the capability of Home Assistant. If there is an API to push an image to Home Assistant you could us it to push the image you have generated. I'm not sure I can help you on this. At least it is possible to generate an image from a webpage and push it to an API with a protocol supported by Node-red. For the compatibility with Home Assistant, you'll have to dig on Google API capabilities.


FabioEight commented 1 year ago

Hello @simonradier , I think that there's a way to push an image via Home Assistant, I don't know how to retrieve it using the webdriver!

simonradier commented 1 year ago

You have the image in base64 in the msg.payload after the screenshot node.

Does it answer your request?