simonradier / node-red-contrib-simple-webdriver

SimpleWebdriver nodes for Node-RED initially based on node-red-contrib-selenium-wd2
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 7 forks source link

Local Storage #45

Closed quantum-fc101 closed 9 months ago

quantum-fc101 commented 10 months ago


First off awesome application / palette, if you send me a link I’ll buy you a coffee.

I am trying to inject something into the local storage, some user session data, so that the site auto logins.


driver.executeScript(function () { localStorage.setItem("Id", '{\"_expired\":0,\"_value\":\"133\"}'); })

Would the run script node work?

Would you have any ideas how to go about this?


simonradier commented 9 months ago

Hi @franco-101 ,


Sorry for the late reply. It should work as it is executed in the context of the web page. Were you able to figure out your issue?

Best regards,

quantum-fc101 commented 9 months ago

@simonradier Everything is working thanks!