simonrharris / SKA

Split Kmer Analysis
MIT License
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Remove rare kmers from merge file #1

Closed bewt85 closed 6 years ago

bewt85 commented 6 years ago

Please could you add a command so that I can remove rare kmers from a merge file? I've got a couple of merge files which I'd like to merge but I run out of RAM. If possible I'd like to remove all the kmers which are in fewer than 80% of input sequences because I think that'll make the merge (and later alignment) much more efficient.

ska weed -d 0.8 my_data.kmerge
bewt85 commented 6 years ago

I made a hacky python script to remove any kmer which occurs in fewer than 80% of samples. It ran in between 1m50 and 2m20 on merge files of size 579M and 469M respectivly (around 1200 Salmonella Enterica assemblies)

import math
import sys

INPUT = sys.argv[1]
OUTPUT = sys.argv[2]

def parse_count(ascii_field):
    bits = ''.join(['{0:06b}'.format(ord(c)-33) for c in ascii_field])
    return bits.count('1')

kmer_counts = {}

with open(INPUT, 'r') as f_in, open(OUTPUT, 'w') as f_out:
    k = int(f_in.readline().strip())
    kmer_length = 1 + ((k * 2) // 3)
    samples = f_in.readline().strip().split(' ')
    nSamples = len(samples)
    threshold = nSamples * THRESHOLD
    ascii_length = math.ceil(nSamples / 6)
    n_kmers = 2

    def parse_line(line):
        ascii_ = line[:ascii_length]
        count = parse_count(line[:ascii_length])
        kmers = ((line[i], line[i+1:i+kmer_length]) for i in range(ascii_length, len(line), kmer_length))
        return ascii_, count, kmers

    for line in f_in:
        _, count, kmers = parse_line(line.rstrip())
        for _, kmer in kmers:
            kmer_counts[kmer] = kmer_counts.get(kmer, 0) + count
            n_kmers += 1
            if (n_kmers % 1000000) == 0:
                print(f"Parsed {n_kmers} kmers")

    kmers_to_keep = {kmer for kmer, count in kmer_counts.items() if count > threshold}
    print(f"Found {len(kmers_to_keep)} kmers to keep")

    for line in f_in:
        ascii_, _, kmers = parse_line(line.rstrip())
        outline = "".join([ascii_] + [ _ for snp, kmer in kmers for _ in (snp, kmer) if kmer in kmers_to_keep] + ["\n"])
        if len(outline) > ascii_length + 1:
simonrharris commented 6 years ago

This has been added to ska weed.