simonrob / email-oauth2-proxy

An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
Apache License 2.0
797 stars 86 forks source link

Email proxy terminating when using allow_catch_all_accounts and authenticating a new email address #190

Closed ray-magini closed 1 year ago

ray-magini commented 1 year ago


first of all: Great work!

Issue I am experiencing an issue where the email proxy terminates after an authentication without any error.

My config (emailproxy.config)

[Server setup]
local_address =
server_address =
server_port = 993
local_certificate_path = /mnt/data/certificates/live/EXAMPLE.COM/fullchain.pem
local_key_path = /mnt/data/certificates/live/EXAMPLE.COM/privkey.pem

local_address =
server_address =
server_port = 587
starttls = True
local_certificate_path = /mnt/data/certificates/live/EXAMPLE.COM/fullchain.pem
local_key_path = /mnt/data/certificates/live/EXAMPLE.COM/privkey.pem

[Account setup]
permission_url =
token_url =
oauth2_scope = offline_access
redirect_listen_address = http://localhost:8181
redirect_uri = https://emailproxy.EXAMPLE.COM/
client_id = CLIENTID
client_secret = CLIENTSECRET

delete_account_token_on_password_error = True
encrypt_client_secret_on_first_use = False
allow_catch_all_accounts = True

Starting the email proxy with the following command /usr/bin/python3 -vd /mnt/data/emailproxy/email-oauth2-proxy/ --no-gui --config-file /mnt/data/emailproxy/config/emailproxy.config --cache-store /mnt/data/emailproxy/data/ --local-server-auth --debug

Description If I set a catch-all domain [] or [@] and enable allow_catch_all_accounts = True with an already existing authentication it works fine. If I try to add a new one (different email address eg. the listener starts and provides the URL, I can authenticate via oauth successfully but afterwards the email proxy terminates (unfortunately without any issue). The cache store is not updated. There is nothing in the system logs about the termination.

Just to confirm:

Assumption The termination must happen when address [@] and allow_catch_all_accounts = True is used, right after closing local server and returning response

Last log

2023-08-25 10:16:53: Authorisation request received for (local server auth mode)
2023-08-25 10:16:53: Email OAuth 2.0 Proxy Local server auth mode: please authorise a request for account
2023-08-25 10:16:53: Local server auth mode (localhost:8181): starting server to listen for authentication response
2023-08-25 10:16:53: Please visit the following URL to authenticate account
2023-08-25 10:17:20: Local server auth mode (localhost:8181): received authentication response GET /?code=............. HTTP/1.1 200 381
2023-08-25 10:17:20: Local server auth mode (localhost:8181): closing local server and returning response
PyThreadState_Clear: warning: thread still has a frame
PyThreadState_Clear: warning: thread still has a frame

My system Email proxy: latest main (Version 2023-08-24 as of writing this) Debian (latest with all updates)

# python3 --version
Python 3.9.2
# pip list
Package              Version
-------------------- --------------
acme                 1.29.0
beautifulsoup4       4.12.2
certbot              1.29.0
certbot-dns-powerdns 0.2.1
certbot-pdns         1.2.0
certifi              2020.6.20
cffi                 1.15.1
chardet              4.0.0
ConfigArgParse       1.5.3
configobj            5.0.6
cryptography         3.4.8
distro               1.7.0
dns-lexicon          3.5.6
dnspython            2.0.0
filelock             3.11.0
future               0.18.3
gpg                  1.14.0-unknown
gyp                  0.1
httplib2             0.18.1
idna                 2.10
iotop                0.6
josepy               1.13.0
Markdown             3.3.4
mock                 5.0.1
parsedatetime        2.6
pip                  20.3.4
prompt-toolkit       3.0.39
pyasyncore           1.0.2
pycparser            2.21
Pygments             2.7.1
PyICU                2.5
pyOpenSSL            21.0.0
pyRFC3339            1.1
PySimpleSOAP         1.16.2
python-apt           2.2.1
python-debian        0.1.39
python-debianbts     3.1.0
pytz                 2022.2.1
PyYAML               5.3.1
reportbug            7.10.3+deb11u1
requests             2.25.1
requests-file        1.5.1
requests-toolbelt    0.9.1
setuptools           52.0.0
six                  1.16.0
soupsieve            2.4
tldextract           3.4.0
urllib3              1.26.5
wcwidth              0.2.6
wheel                0.34.2
zope.component       5.0.1
zope.event           4.5.0
zope.hookable        5.1.0
zope.interface       5.4.0

Thanks, Dirk

simonrob commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the really helpful and detailed report here. This was caused by an errant break rather than continue in 4c5ede3, but is fixed in the latest main (2023-08-25).

ray-magini commented 1 year ago

I have testet it now and it seems to work as expected (no termination, cache store written).

Thanks a lot for the very fast fix! Great work!