simonsobs / map_based_simulations

Map based simulations for the Simons Observatory
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Noise simulations generated from TOD sims #40

Closed msyriac closed 3 weeks ago

msyriac commented 2 years ago

In the recent effort to inform LAT scan strategies through TOD simulations, @zatkins2 @AdriJD and others have produced models for generating map-based simulations. These are much more realistic and should replace the simplistic model. It would be good to build an interface to these models, if this has not already been done.

cc: @keskitalo @smsimon

zatkins2 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up, Mat. We should try to have one solution that abstracts away as much of the awareness of the products themselves (i.e. works seamlessly for both the TOD simulations and actual data once available). I think there are several layers to this issue and I can update my knowledge of their status. Some questions and

are sprinkled throughout. Please add further comments!

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msyriac commented 2 years ago

Very good idea to abstract together current sims and future data, strongly in agreement. Some thoughts:

zonca commented 2 years ago

@zatkins2 where can I find instructions to load the latest tiled noise simulations for SO?

zatkins2 commented 2 years ago

@msyriac sounds good on soapack and filenames. I guess I meant filenames for the future data as well! The workflow for ACT has been: see if any changes are needed in soapack to accommodate new map products + update soapack, see if any other metadata should be updated (masks, source catalogs, etc), run models (one script) and evaluate them manually (another script, basically look at maps and PS ratios). And agreed on the simpler models. So yes, I think the best path is hosting mnms on simonsobs, wrapping its interface in some more unified SO mbs interface, and making sure soapack can load TOD sims and SO maps.

@zonca Adri ran these for the SO TOD sims, info on location is here There are also "wavelet" and "directional wavelet" models, but I'm not sure where they are (@AdriJD can confirm, probably same location!). The interface for loading them is identical other than changing the subclass of your mnms.noise_models.NoiseModel instance.

AdriJD commented 2 years ago

@zonca The link that Zach posted would tell you where the tiled noise models are stored. The sims that are drawn from these models are not stored in a shared space I believe. Frank generated them from the models and stored them here: nersc:/global/homes/j/jia_qu/maps/so_scan; not sure if they're still there, NERSC seems to be down right now.

For the directional wavelet models we have the opposite situation, the sims are stored here: nersc:/global/homes/a/adriaand/scratch/so/20220630_scan_s0002_fdw but the models are not on NERSC. I can transfer them if needed. Loading these sims from within mnms should be done using:

from soapack import interfaces
from mnms import noise_models as nm

data_model = interfaces.SOScanS0002()

model = nm.FDWNoiseModel(qid, data_model=data_model)

sim_idx = 10 # For 11th sim.
split_idx = 0 # For split 1 of 2.
alm = model.get_sim(split_idx, sim_idx, check_on_disk=True, alm=True, write=False)

Note you have to be on the so_scan_s0002 branch of soapack + use the same .soapack.yml file as specified in the instructions linked by Zach.

Sorry about the messy state of things. What's your short term goal with the sims?

msyriac commented 2 years ago

The short term goal here is to provide a set of noise simulations of SO to the AWGs that they can use to test pipelines. We can have a dozen or so saved on disk and accessible through whatever interface @zonca has already made available. And there should be some on-the-fly generation interface too that is compatible with @zonca's previous work. This is one of the situations where I would advocate patching together something quick rather than making it too "future-proof".

zonca commented 2 years ago

I have never written any interface to load maps already available on disk. What I have in mapsims is just for creating noise realizations on the fly, it starts from a configuration file which is used to configure a MapSim object, which is then executed to get the maps, see the interface in this notebook:

which is part of this release of map-based noise simulations (just from a simple spectrum):

How computationally intensive is the generation on-the-fly? if it is not too heavy, we could just provide that instead of access to the maps.

I would like to take a peek at the maps, however I get permission denied at /global/homes/j/jia_qu/maps/so_scan

zonca commented 1 year ago

@AdriJD any update on this topic?

zatkins2 commented 1 year ago

I think my initial suggestion is still the best path forward: a simple wrapper around the mnms.noise_models.NoiseModel.get_sim method. The configuration for mnms and the code itself does all the work of loading a sim from disk, or generating one on the fly instead, for free. You select which you want to do just with arguments to get_sim (on the fly is slow enough that you want to be able to load from disk if possible). I think then all that is needed for @msyriac 's short term goal is just moving the scan strategy model and sim files to a public place (this would be for @AdriJD and @qujia7 to look at when they are free), and writing this minimal wrapper (which I would do). When is this needed by?

AdriJD commented 1 year ago

Hi @zonca, sorry about the delay, I am back to work now. I have asked Frank to change the permissions for the folder.

If we focus on the scan strategy noise sims for now (which are based on the only SO TOD sim we have at the moment), I think that Zach's plan is indeed the way to go. We don't want to reinvent the wheel for the I/O routines needed to load up the existing models/maps. Another advantage of Zach's proposal is that the wrapper around the mnms code would be the same regardless of whether we use the existing maps or go for on-the-fly generation. I expect most work will go into creating an easy way for people to set up soapack, but as long as we restrict ourselves to NERSC for now that should be fine.

I will transfer the model to NERSC and then perhaps Zach and I figure out a soapack config that works (we should also still merge that SO scan branch in soapack I think). If we then present a working mnms interface to the models/maps we should start on the wrapper.

Let's perhaps also discuss this briefly at the PWG call on Thursday.

AdriJD commented 1 year ago

@zonca, Frank's files should be visible now.

zonca commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to load the maps with soapack but I get an error: Anyway, I think it is not very useful to debug this, I'll try again once you release the new set of maps.