simonsobs / sisock

Sisock ('saɪsɒk): streaming of Simons Obs. data over websockets for quicklook
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Dynamically generated fields don't exist until get_fields is called after initial startup #16

Open BrianJKoopman opened 5 years ago

BrianJKoopman commented 5 years ago

When the DataNodeServer is first started it runs get_fields (done in onJoin). However, for some servers the fields list is unpopulated until data has been collected. This is true currently for the live monitoring

The bug that occurs as a result of this is the user expects to see live data in Grafana, but instead no data is returned. The conditions for this to occur are:

When data collection starts the field list is not populated with known fields (because get_fields only runs at startup), the server returns no data.

The user can cause get_fields to be re-run by editing a panel in Grafana and clicking on the drop down box in which they select the field to plot, after which the data will begin to show up.

We should consider how to populate the fields list to avoid this bug.