simonsteele / pn

Programmer's Notepad
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Find replace issue #181

Open prime6809 opened 5 years ago

prime6809 commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

pn: on Windows 7 64 bit.

I'm experiencing erratic behavior with find / replace (CTRL-R) If I hilight some text and do CTRL-R I expect that text to be used as the thing to find, allowing me to enter the text to replace in the replace box, select scope options and use the buttons to control what to find / replace.

However about 50% of the time the selected text is not entered into the find box and I have to manually copy / paste it there with CTRL-C..CTRL-V which I find annoying. Also when it fails to select the text correctly the search scope seems to automatically switch from "current document" to "in selection" resulting in it only finding one occurrence of the text, if I don't notice?

I've done some more testing, and narrowed it down somewhat. If the selected text is at the begining of a line then the CTRL-R FAILS to copy the text and sets the scope to "in selection", if the selected text is anywhere else on the line then it works as it should.

Is this a bug or a misconfiguration my end? Has anyone else experienced this?

