Open Vininess opened 2 years ago
Hi, i Want to implement Byuu Bass (Snes Assembler)
I started Cloning the cpp.scheme, change some colors and variables, i pretty happy
But i whant to implemente, that statemant from the perl.scheme
<style name="Array: @var" key="13" fore="00005e" /> <style name="Hash: %var" k
To get specific colors for $xx $xxxx $%xxxxxxx numbers
Here the pic of the color scheme and the places i want to change, thanks
Hi @Vininess,
Can you please provide a link to a repo with your current progress?
the Scheme
The code i'm writing
Hi, i Want to implement Byuu Bass (Snes Assembler)
I started Cloning the cpp.scheme, change some colors and variables, i pretty happy
But i whant to implemente, that statemant from the perl.scheme
To get specific colors for $xx $xxxx $%xxxxxxx numbers
Here the pic of the color scheme and the places i want to change, thanks