simonsteele / pn

Programmer's Notepad
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Request: Add Back/Forward navigation keys #211

Open equin0x80 opened 1 year ago

equin0x80 commented 1 year ago

I know this app is not updated any more, but it's still my favourite -- so, just in case Simon changes his mind, or it gets forked:

When working with long documents, it would be great to be able to navigate Back and Forward. For example, I delete a line from the middle, then I jump to the top to copy some text, then I want to go back where I was. Currently the "easiest" way is Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y (undo redo), because that incidentally puts me back where I was -- but clearly this isn't ideal, and could lead to mistakes.

Suitable shortcut keys would be Ctrl Plus and Ctrl Minus (as in Visual Studio), or Alt+Left and Alt+Right (as in some Web browsers).

veganaize commented 1 year ago

Have you considered writing an extension?

equin0x80 commented 1 year ago

No. Have you?

veganaize commented 1 year ago

Yeah... I've tried creating a hello world python extension for PN (requires installing python 3.4 support) but it seemed like it wasn't fully implemented and, it may have just been a coincidence but, it also seemed to make PN buggy (maybe it activated some bunk extension?). --I managed to get hello world working, though, at least.

If I were to attempt it again I'd probably try out the C++ route.

equin0x80 commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's exactly why I don't waste my time. I look forward to your excellent text editor, but until then, I will use this one. If you have nothing to say about the actual topic (back/forward keys) then I don't know why you are here, frankly.

veganaize commented 1 year ago

I'm talking about writing an extension for Programmer's Notepad, not writing a new IDE.