simonw / big-local-datasette

Publishing a Datasette of open projects from
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Only deploy to Cloud Run if data has changed #12

Closed simonw closed 4 years ago

simonw commented 4 years ago

Follow on from #5.

    - name: Set variables to decide if we should deploy
      id: decide_variables
      run: |-
        echo "##[set-output name=latest;]$(datasette inspect covid.db | jq '.covid.hash' -r)"
        echo "##[set-output name=deployed;]$(curl -s | jq '.[0].hash' -r)"
    - name: Set up Cloud Run
      if: contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'DEPLOY') || steps.decide_variables.outputs.latest != steps.decide_variables.outputs.deployed
simonw commented 4 years ago

Re-enable cron that I disabled in once I fix this.

simonw commented 4 years ago

I'll use this trick:

Maybe hash all of the .db files: md5 *.db | md5 - and compare to the version_note? Originally posted by @simonw in

simonw commented 4 years ago

I can get the current version note using:

curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $DATASETTE_TOKEN" | jq '.datasette.note' -r

This returns a blank string if the version note has not been set yet.

simonw commented 4 years ago
    - name: Set variables to decide if we should deploy
      id: decide_variables
      run: |-
        echo "##[set-output name=latest_db_hash;]$(md5 *.db | md5)"
        echo "##[set-output name=deployed_db_hash;]$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $DATASETTE_TOKEN" | jq '.datasette.note' -r)"
simonw commented 4 years ago

It's working now! See

simonw commented 4 years ago

Tweaked md5 checksums in

I am getting 'acd010291929a9c1f0aac78f66872e5a -' at the moment.

This should remove the trailing hyphen.

simonw commented 4 years ago now reports:

    "python": {
        "version": "3.8.2",
        "full": "3.8.2 (default, Mar 31 2020, 15:23:55) \n[GCC 8.3.0]"
    "datasette": {
        "version": "0.39",
        "note": "579aa25c17aefcd2b0f1beb6412cd692"
simonw commented 4 years ago

If c12b82f436bb92a45f11760711f58b488759e050 skips the deploy then I'll know this is working.

simonw commented 4 years ago

Actually that won't skip the deploy because we deploy on every push: I'll have to wait for the cron to run to see if this works.

simonw commented 4 years ago

Looks like it's changing the md5 every time, I think because the biglocal.db database will have different content (different signed hashes) every time.

Fix is to hash everything except for that file. Not sure how to do that yet, so I'll disable the cron again for the moment.

simonw commented 4 years ago

This pattern should work:

simonw commented 4 years ago

Oops, that broke. Maybe set the md5 in a separate variable on the line before the output variable echo?

simonw commented 4 years ago

Still getting this error:

Run export LATEST_DB_HASH=$(md5sum -b !(biglocal*).db | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
/home/runner/work/_temp/ command substitution: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
simonw commented 4 years ago

I will close this as soon as the cron runs and skips a deploy.

simonw commented 4 years ago seems to be generating the right hashes now:


simonw commented 4 years ago

This worked!