simonw / datasette-tiles

Mapping tile server for Datasette, serving tiles from MBTiles packages
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Vector tile support #23

Open tannewt opened 3 years ago

tannewt commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'd like to add support for serving vector tiles and the metadata.json for them. Should I add them as separate routes or capture the extension and use it within the handlers? I could also fork and create a vector tiles plugin.

Also, would you mind if I switched from leaflet to mapbox gl js or maplibre gl js? They can render the vector tiles.

A simple example server is in the tilemaker project:

Thanks! Datasette looks very cool. I'm working on aggregating broadband data in the US ( and datasette looks like the perfect hosting technique.

tannewt commented 3 years ago

I've got a hacked up version of the tile plugin that I'll release as a vector-tile one.