simonw / google-drive-to-sqlite

Create a SQLite database containing metadata from Google Drive
Apache License 2.0
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`google-drive-to-sqlite auth` command #2

Closed simonw closed 2 years ago

simonw commented 2 years ago

Authentication will be tricky. For the moment I'll go with the simplest thing possible, but I may need to build a google-drive-to-sqlite auth command just to get things up and running.

Originally posted by @simonw in

simonw commented 2 years ago

This is what worked in my notebook:

google_client_id = ''
# Is it safe to bake the secret into a distributed CLI app?
google_client_secret = '...'

scope = ""
auth_url = "{}&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&response_type={}&scope={}".format(
    google_client_id, "code", scope

The user then clicks on that URL, grants permissions and copies a code from the resulting page.

copied_code = '4/1A...'

import httpx
response ="", data={
    "code": copied_code,
    "client_id": google_client_id,
    "client_secret": google_client_secret,
    "redirect_uri": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
tokens = response.json()

# tokens now has a `"access_token"` key that can be used directly, and a `"refresh_token"`
# that can be exchanged for another access token later on
simonw commented 2 years ago

Documentation for "installed applications":

The process results in a client ID and, in some cases, a client secret, which you embed in the source code of your application. (In this context, the client secret is obviously not treated as a secret.)

So it's OK to ship the secret in the app - that's good.

simonw commented 2 years ago

Created a dedicated google-drive-to-sqlite project in the Google API dashboard:

simonw commented 2 years ago

Created a new OAuth client ID:

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simonw commented 2 years ago

Now that I have the OAuth consent screen created, I'm setting up the Client ID:


These don't need to be kept private:

simonw commented 2 years ago

(I hope Google don't block my secret because it shows up in a public GitHub repository)

simonw commented 2 years ago

This should show the OAuth consent screen:

Indeed it does:

simonw commented 2 years ago

I'm going to have the google-drive-to-sqlite auth command do the following:

  1. Show you the URL and ask you to click it
  2. Switch to "paste in your token here"
  3. Write the results to auth.json in a google-drive-to-sqlite key.

And a -a/--auth option for picking a different file.

simonw commented 2 years ago

Wrote this up as a TIL: