simonw / til

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Deploys failing - greater than 50MB #73

Closed simonw closed 1 year ago

simonw commented 1 year ago

Error: The Serverless Function "" is 52.5mb which exceeds the maximum size limit of 50mb.
Error: Command '['vercel', '--confirm', '--prod', '--public', '--token', '***', '--scope', 'datasette', '--env', 'DATASETTE_SECRET=770bf5e7a4c0de7289f3c62a3c09cf7183bb1f600b1fd356bcf4b272327e5c57']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
simonw commented 1 year ago


simonw commented 1 year ago

I downloaded - it was 34MB before a vacuum and 32MB after. says this:

        "name": "tils",
        "route": "tils",
        "path": "tils.db",
        "size": 36118528,
        "is_mutable": false,
        "is_memory": false,
        "hash": "70479f24850dd7d41026f856c43244cd5d189da8729d13afcfc7cb8347e2513a"
        "name": "fixtures",
        "route": "fixtures",
        "path": "fixtures.db",
        "size": 262144,
        "is_mutable": false,
        "is_memory": false,
        "hash": "40882a89c8b0eb57f500131bdfccb64a6f2e53c670659f6d5d282f916e0cd909"

Not sure why fixtures.db is there, I should drop that (probably so I could test something in it on Vercel).

simonw commented 1 year ago

This will buy me a bit of time. I think the best longer-term solution is going to be moving the screenshots to that S3 bucket.

simonw commented 1 year ago

No, even that wasn't enough of a reduction in size:

Error: The Serverless Function "" is 52.41mb which exceeds the maximum size limit of 50mb.
simonw commented 1 year ago

Dropping that shots column with the binary screenshots in it will fix the problem:

/tmp % sqlite-utils transform tils.db til --drop shot
/tmp % ls -lah tils.db                               
-rw-r--r--  1 simon  wheel    36M Apr 27 11:38 tils.db
/tmp % sqlite-utils vacuum tils.db 
/tmp % ls -lah tils.db            
-rw-r--r--  1 simon  wheel   5.0M Apr 27 11:39 tils.db
simonw commented 1 year ago

I can keep the shot_hash column and use it to detect if the S3 image needs to be re-generated.

simonw commented 1 year ago

To get a deploy out I'm going to reset the images for every piece of content older than a year.

simonw commented 1 year ago
sqlite-utils tils.db "update til set shot = x'89504E470D0A1A0A0000000D494844520000010000000100010300000066BC3A2500000003504C5445B5D0D0630416EA0000001F494441546881EDC1010D000000C2A0F74F6D0E37A00000000000000000BE0D210000019A60E1D50000000049454E44AE426082'
where created <= '2023'"
sqlite-utils vacuum tils.db

Results in a 9.9MB file.

That hex value is the first image on converted to hex. I did that like so:

sqlite-utils insert-files tils.db images tiny.png


select hex(content) from images