simonxciv /

Eavesdrop.FM automagically takes Plex Webhooks and transmogrifies them into ListenBrainz... listens
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Playing previous song does not update 'now playing' song on Listenbrainz #1

Open ordinarygulp opened 4 years ago

ordinarygulp commented 4 years ago

After the song 'PCH' finished playing, 'Enter Lord Vader' came on next in my music player. I reversed the track back to PCH, but on ListenBrainz, 'Enter Lord Vader' is still shown as the "playing now" track. screenshot-listenbrainz org-2020 04 14-23_05_56

Skipping forward doesn't seem to share the erroneous behaviour.

simonxciv commented 4 years ago

This is an issue in Plex's webhooks. Skips to previously played tracks (both forward and backward in a play queue) don't fire webhooks. I've raised an issue here.

david-russo commented 2 years ago

Hi Simon, the link for that Plex issue no longer seems to be valid. Do you know where the new location might be?

djdembeck commented 2 years ago

Hi Simon, the link for that Plex issue no longer seems to be valid. Do you know where the new location might be?

It’s in a private repository

david-russo commented 2 years ago

Ah, cheers.