simonyeldon / bootstrap-shortcodes

WordPress shortcodes for easier use of Bootstrap elements in your content.
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TinyMCE Buttons? #13

Open MWDelaney opened 10 years ago

MWDelaney commented 10 years ago

Implement one of two things: either create TinyMCE buttons for Bootstrap Shortcodes, or find a different way to expose these shortcodes in the WordPress editor.

simonyeldon commented 10 years ago

@FoolsRun TinyMCE Buttons appear to have gone walkies... did they get removed in one of your branches?

MWDelaney commented 10 years ago

I removed them once I started adding them in bulk and noticed how much space they take up in the editor. I hate when plugins load down TinyMCE with what those developers think I want, so I yanked them and started work on the Help-Tab instead.

I still have the code but if everyone likes the Help-Tab I think that's a better solution.