simonzhang00 / ripser-plusplus

Ripser++: GPU-accelerated computation of Vietoris–Rips persistence barcodes
MIT License
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Can we run this library in google colab #1

Open sohailiqbal opened 3 years ago

sohailiqbal commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to run this library in google colab.

simonzhang00 commented 3 years ago

Yes, as long as Google colab will allow you to run the commands git, cmake, apt, make, nvcc, python3, pip3 etc you can build as you would on a local machine.

Building from source is very consistent. This is how you would install the python bindings of ripser++ in Google colab:

  1. To use GPU on Google Colab, create a new notebook. Then runtime-> change runtime type-> GPU

  2. In this fresh notebook, run the command !pwd. It should say /content. If not, then run:

import os
  1. clone the repository:
    !git clone'
  2. install cmake:
    !apt update
    !apt install -y cmake
  3. build the .so file (this is what gets executed when you run python code on top of ripser++)
    import os
    !cmake /content/ripser-plusplus/python && make
  4. install ripser++ for python
    !pip3 install /content/ripser-plusplus/python/
  5. To run the file run:
    import os
    !python3 ""

    Don't forget, if you want to remove verbosity, uncomment the two lines:

    #define PROFILING
    #define COUNTING

    from and don't forget that uncommenting


    may give better performance.

Here is gist of the above instructions: Google colab gist

Good luck and have fun!

IbtihalFerwana commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for the guide.

at step 5, I face the issue that folder /python is not created in ripser-plusplus. Any hints in that? FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/ripser-plusplus/python/bin'

simonzhang00 commented 3 years ago

These instructions are old, ripser++ has been updated. To install ripser++ just use: pip3 install ripserplusplus or pip3 install git+ or clone the repository and follow the instructions in the main

sava-1729 commented 2 years ago

pip3 install ripserplusplus

Hello, This still doesn't seem to work. Please check the notebook below for details:

Edit: One needs to enable GPU in the notebook menu: Runtime -> Change Runtime Type -> Hardware Accelerator -> GPU And after that it gets installed perfectly. Check the notebook below for details: