simp / inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7

InSpec Profile for the EL7 DISA STIG
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 46 forks source link

V-72037 Optimization #92

Closed mirskiy closed 5 years ago

mirskiy commented 5 years ago

I'm lumping a few things in this PR, let me know if you want me to remove some of the commits or separate them into separate PR's. I figured it'd be easier to have the discussion here.

V-72037 "Local initialization files must not execute world-writable programs." This control was running really slowly. One of the big problems was that the find command was traversing the /proc directory, which would incorrectly include a lot of the processes attr files as potentially vulnerable world writable files. This was fixed in V2 of the RHEL7 STIG and is implemented in b0d7594.

Another problem was that the control would loop over every world-writable file and execute a grep command for each dot file in the users home directory. This was very slow ( O(m*n) ). Instead, we use process substitution to pass the list of world writable files to grep as a pattern file in 4968738. In case this list is longer than the max command line length allowed on the system, 490a811 chunks the list into smaller pattern files, with a hard-coded limit of PATTERN_FILE_MAX_LENGTH=100000. Hard-coding this limit isn't ideal, let me know if this should be moved into an attribute.

The last problem is the fact that .bash_history is included as part of the users dot files. This means that running ls or any other command on a world-writable file will cause a false positive (if bash history is turned on). b0d7594 attempts to fix this. Ex:

dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ inspec exec controls/V-72037.rb --target ssh://$host

Profile: tests from controls/V-72037.rb (tests from controls.V-72037.rb)
Version: (not specified)
Target:  ssh://ec2-user@

  ✔  V-72037: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so
   that local initialization files do not execute world-writable programs.
     ✔  Local initialization files that are found to reference world-writable files should be empty

Profile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 1 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped
dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ ssh rhel7
Last login: Wed Aug 21 18:20:29 2019 from
[ec2-user@ip-172-30-0-118 ~]$ sudo touch /opt/worldwritable
[ec2-user@ip-172-30-0-118 ~]$ sudo chmod a+rw /opt/worldwritable
[ec2-user@ip-172-30-0-118 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ inspec exec controls/V-72037.rb --target ssh://$host

Profile: tests from controls/V-72037.rb (tests from controls.V-72037.rb)
Version: (not specified)
Target:  ssh://ec2-user@

  ×  V-72037: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so
   that local initialization files do not execute world-writable programs.
     ×  Local initialization files that are found to reference world-writable files should be empty
     expected `["/home/ec2-user/.bash_history"].empty?` to return true, got false

Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, 1 control failure, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 0 successful, 1 failure, 0 skipped
dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ ssh rhel7 tail -n 3 .bash_history
rm /opt/worldwritable
sudo rm /opt/worldwritable
dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ sed -i.bak 's/dotfiles = dotfiles.*/dotfiles = dotfiles + command("find #{user.home} -xdev -maxdepth 2 \( -name '\''.*'\'' ! -name '\''.bash_history'\'' \) -type f").stdout.split("\\n")/' controls/V-72037.rb
dan@xp:~/inspec-profile-disa_stig-el7$ inspec exec controls/V-72037.rb --target ssh://$host

Profile: tests from controls/V-72037.rb (tests from controls.V-72037.rb)
Version: (not specified)
Target:  ssh://ec2-user@

  ✔  V-72037: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so
   that local initialization files do not execute world-writable programs.
     ✔  Local initialization files that are found to reference world-writable files should be empty

Profile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 1 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped

With these fixes, the time for this control on a test system went down from 30 min to about a minute. So if this looks good, I can add another commit to remove it from the "slow control" group.