simpeg / aurora

software for processing natural source electromagnetic data
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Process Musgraves Dataset #300

Closed kkappler closed 8 months ago

kkappler commented 9 months ago

For the "2030" Geophysics Community Connect Workshop

Started processing Musgraves on Gadi, using a notebook modelled after process_synthetic.ipynb

Here are the encountered issues:

“bx”, “by”, “bz”, “ex”, “ey” has not been encountered before. Registering it properly would require a patch on mt_metadata. Alternatively we could allow "define on the fly" in aurora ... TBD

This raises the question of the role of channel nomenclature, which is to accommodate MTH5 where the channel labels deviate from the standard ["ex", "ey", "hx", "hy", "hz"].

Once the above issues are tackled, we can then:

kkappler commented 8 months ago

This may get re-opened for a second pass, as it would be good to compare the TF values obtained by BIRRP and aurora, but the pandarallel processing ran for SS and RR so we will have an example for the workshop. Closing for now.