simpixelated / disruption

A game of startups.
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first run of new TDDD branch focused on MVP #43

Closed simpixelated closed 8 years ago

simpixelated commented 8 years ago

Moving towards a new MVP. Testing out React, Babel, JSPM, Immutable.js, possibly more. See:

completes #7, #40

Background notes:

Cookie clicker clone:

  • small set of actions increase valuation
  • first as one-time increments
  • unlock auto-increment
  • purchases after that increase increment rate


  • upgrades will boost either $x or $interval for items
  • items and upgrades are either locked or unlocked based on pre-reqs of the startup
  • bridge fundraising increases funding but does not increase valuation
  • series fundraising increases funding by $x = $valuation / 4 and increases $valuation by $x * 4

What if each purchase increases funding and funding amount in turns increases valuation? So for example, start at $100k funding. Can hire “coders” or “interns” at $40k each. Each one increases funding by $40k, which increases valuation by $40k * 4. What’s the point of valuation then, other than a score? Maybe instead, purchase dev which cuts from funding by $x per $interval. Should it immediately increase valuation, or should that increment same as funding? Probably same interval.

Or maybe you have to manage 2 numbers: money and valuation

  • start with fixed amount of money, which gets burned by the day for each purchase ($40k coder/365) display “burn rate” and show money drawing down
  • each purchase also increases the valuation incrementally (devs could be 2x, or 10x for expensive devs)
  • can request funding and amount will be based on valuation | funding = valuation / 4 (simple)

Funding actions:

  • bridge: * can be requested at any time; will not advance “series” * is capped at a max amount lower than series (either last round / $x or valuation / 8 or something else)
  • series: * will disable current series and unlock next series (series A unlocks B) * is an inflated number calculated by current startup stats (maybe just valuation / 4) \ maybe increases valuation by set amount… so valuation balloons by 4x immediately; e.g. valuation is $100m. funding = $25m. valuation = $200m ($valuation = $valuation + ($funding x 4)) another example: valuation is now $200m. funding = $50m. valuation is now $400m.

Need to redefine actions based on valuation increment and rate $ per X (e.g. $100/day)


  • hire dev: $100 / day ($100k*2/365)
  • hire 10x dev: $150k*10/365 — or maybe is a multiplier for existing devs
  • buy venture capital contacts ($25k unlocks next series)
