simple-login / app

The SimpleLogin back-end and web app
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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sl installed and working but no verificationmail sent #1249

Closed swoop124 closed 2 years ago

swoop124 commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I installed Simple-Login, following the doc, on this github, step by step. I'am able to send Mails from the Dockerhost via swaks but simple-login doesn't send the verifivation mail from registering. In the log i can only see this:

 /opt/sl# tail /var/log/ 
Aug 26 15:21:21 SL postfix/smtpd[6412]: connect from unknown[]
Aug 26 15:21:28 SL postfix/smtpd[6412]: disconnect from unknown[] quit=1 commands=1
Aug 26 15:33:21 SL postfix/postfix-script[6619]: stopping the Postfix mail system
Aug 26 15:33:21 SL postfix/master[5660]: terminating on signal 15
Aug 26 15:33:21 SL postfix/postfix-script[6771]: starting the Postfix mail system
Aug 26 15:33:21 SL postfix/master[6773]: daemon started -- version 3.5.13, configuration /etc/postfix
Aug 26 15:33:26 SL postfix/postfix-script[6804]: stopping the Postfix mail system
Aug 26 15:33:26 SL postfix/master[6773]: terminating on signal 15
Aug 26 15:33:26 SL postfix/postfix-script[6956]: starting the Postfix mail system
Aug 26 15:33:26 SL postfix/master[6958]: daemon started -- version 3.5.13, configuration /etc/postfix
docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS          PORTS                                                                                            NAMES
6ea920bd7701   postgres:12.1            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours>5432/tcp                                                                         sl-db
27ba5671a77f   simplelogin/app:3.4.0    "python"   4 hours ago   Up 17 minutes   7777/tcp                                                                                         sl-job-runner
f2983a07ea87   simplelogin/app:3.4.0    "python email_handle…"   4 hours ago   Up 16 minutes   7777/tcp,>20381/tcp, :::20381->20381/tcp                                          sl-email
7067d78d466e   simplelogin/app:3.4.0    "gunicorn wsgi:app -…"   4 hours ago   Up 17 minutes>7777/tcp, :::7777->7777/tcp                                                        sl-app

I have tried to increase the loglevel in but nothing is been logged.

Here my simplelogin.env

# Server url

# apply colored log to facilitate local development

# Only print email content, not sending it, for local development

# domain used to create alias

# Allow SimpleLogin to enforce SPF by using the extra headers from postfix

# other domains that can be used to create aliases, in addition to EMAIL_DOMAIN

# domains that can be used to create aliases. If set, override OTHER_ALIAS_DOMAINS
# ALIAS_DOMAINS=["", ""]

# (optional) domains that are only available to premium accounts

# the alias domain used when creating the first alias for user, default to EMAIL_DOMAIN if not set

# transactional email is sent from this email address
SUPPORT_NAME=Sent from SimpleLogin

# to receive general stats.

# Max number emails user can generate for free plan
# Set to 5 by default

# Close registration. Avoid people accidentally creating new account on a self-hosted SimpleLogin

# custom domain needs to point to these MX servers

# By default, new aliases must end with ".{random_word}". This is to avoid a person taking all "nice" aliases.
# this option doesn't make sense in self-hosted. Set this variable to disable this option.

# If you want to use another MTA to send email, you could set the address of your MTA here
# By default, emails are sent using the the same Postfix server that receives emails

# the DKIM private key used to compute DKIM-Signature

# DB Connection


# Flask profiler
# FLASK_PROFILER_PATH=/tmp/flask-profiler.sql

# Where to store GPG Keyring

# By default, files are uploaded to s3
# Set this variable to use the local "static/upload/" directory instead

# Disable onboarding emails
# For self-hosted instance

# By default use postfix port 25. This param is used to override the Postfix port,
# useful when using another SMTP server when developing locally

# domains that can be present in the &next= section when using absolute urls

# DNS nameservers to be used by the app
# Multiple nameservers can be specified, separated by ','

There are some other lines in the config file but they are all commentet out.

telnet from ths sl-app container to postfix on host is connecting fine.

Did i miss something? I don't get it. For me it looks good, sl-app seems not to send the verification mail or i have it missconfigured and it sends it to nowhere, but schouldn'n there be some errormessages?

please help.

oh, btw in the future i would like to use a relayhost for outgoing and incomming mails is that possible?


swoop124 commented 2 years ago

i saw the mails html code, that schould be sent as e-mail, in the sl-app container-logs.

What does that mean?

2022-08-26 16:41:17 - SL - DEBUG - "/code/app/auth/views/" - resend_activation() -  - user <User 1  user@email-domain.tld> is not activated
2022-08-26 16:41:17 - SL - DEBUG - "/code/app/" - send_email() -  - send email with subject 'Just one more step to join SimpleLogin' to 'user@email-domain.tld', plaintext: Thank you for choosing SimpleLogin.
To get started, please confirm that user@email-domain.tld is your email address using this link within 1 hour.
SimpleLogin Team., html: 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
2022-08-26 16:41:17 - SL - DEBUG - "/code/" - after_request() -  - some:ip:v6:IP:add:ress POST /auth/resend_activation ImmutableMultiDict([]) 200

so the mail is generated? but where is it then?

swoop124 commented 2 years ago

For everyone who stumbles about this problem!!

After about two hours testing i am now certain that it is working now!!!!

i think the problem was this configfileentry:

# Only print email content, not sending it, for local development

I komm the 2nd line out and restartet all containers. After about ten fifeteen minutes it began to work.