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The SimpleLogin back-end and web app
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Blocking a sender for any alias #1488

Open ploum opened 1 year ago

ploum commented 1 year ago

When a spammer find multiple aliases, I’ve to block it in all those aliases.

I should be able to block a spammer globally.

ploum commented 1 year ago

Related: it should be possible to block a whole domain (I’m a blogger dealing with quite a lot of marketing-agencies, each time I block, I’m contacted by

ploum commented 7 months ago

Another usecase is to block those pesky "please rate our service". I forgot about those because I had blocked nearly all of the survey provider in the past. But now that I’m using a simplelogin alias for each new order, I have those each time.

Which means that, in that particular case, using SL gives me more spam than not using it.

Technically, the solution is straightforward: account wide blocking. I admit that the UI is a bit trickier.

But, in fact, I believe that, by default, every block should be for all aliases (I can’t think of any single case where you would want to block a sender in an alias an not in the others).

ploum commented 2 weeks ago

The more I’m using Simplelogin, the more I’m bitten by this one: there’s not a single way to permanently block a sender for everything. I’ve found myself thinking about giving my "good" email for a delivery because I knew all the "satisfaction survey" would be blocked. This was the hint that something way wrong with SL if I’m thinking of bypassing it in order to get less emails.

Is there any discussion on this issue ? Any agreement ? Is this a design choice ?

ploum commented 2 weeks ago

I’ve put more thoughts on the idea and came to the conclusion that the easiest way to achieve this would be an instance-wide setting: "block senders globally for every alias [X] "

When enabled and when a sender blocked in alias1 arrives in alias2, it appears as a new blocked contact. Reenabling it would renable it system wide.

UI wise, the following modifications would be needed:

  1. In the contact list, a simple label beneath the switch saying it is globally blocked
  2. Optionally, in the global settings, a list of all blocked senders

Alternatively, blocked contacts could be displayed for every single alias once the setting is enabled. Requiring no UI change at all.