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2FA / Two Factor Authenication #668

Closed simpleanalyticsbot closed 1 year ago

simpleanalyticsbot commented 2 years ago

This has become a pretty standard security requirement for a lot of organizations. Email based or rfc6238 would be low cost to implement.

haddocc commented 1 year ago

What is the projected introduction date of this feature?

adriaandotcom commented 1 year ago

What is your use case @haddocc for this?

haddocc commented 1 year ago

The use case is using your software. Sensitive data like this should never be without 2FA in my opinion, so I'm considering using your service because of its simplicity and other usp's but 2FA is a requirement for me. So if I know when that'll be introduced then I can determine if it's worth the wait or move on to another service.

adriaandotcom commented 1 year ago

Moving this to the original issue: