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Voice, Tone and Style guidelines for #2

Closed milapbhojak closed 6 years ago

milapbhojak commented 6 years ago

Simple, an open-source project to create free tools for the treatment of high blood pressure around the world. As @dburka mentioned in this article

"Great brands often begin with one clearly articulated statement. What makes the “Simple” project different from any other project like it? For us, this all starts with the idea of radical simplicity:

Simple is a simple, reliable, easy-to-use app to track patients with high blood pressure.

Most other software that healthcare workers use is complicated and hard to learn. Our aim is to be a breath of fresh air  an app that’s simple, which nurses and doctors actually like to use"

I am completly agreed with him. This software will be deployed all over the world. We have 3 type of audiance for this brand:

  1. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers
  2. Health administrators
  3. Patients

As Simple will be used in India, China and other countries. Our common touch points are like mobile app, App store, Website, 3D render, Media and animation. We can expect our audiance will come from different culture, region and may speak different language. I feel having Voice and Tone for will make this brand more divarse and simple. You can read the difference between voice, tone and style below.

What is Voice, Tone and Style? [1]

Voice is a description of the unique, distinctive voice of your brand. This should cover its personality, Rhythm and pace, Vocabulary.

Tone is how to use your voice in different situations. In life, we adjust our tone according to who we’re talking to and what we’re talking about, but our voice remains the same. Brand voice is singular, but we can use it with many different tones. Separating voice and tone means we can be empathetic to our users, and I think empathy is what makes the difference between just meeting user needs and really engaging them.

Style is a house ‘style’ for what our writing looks like, for example where to use capitals, how to spell certain words, reminders on grammar, vocabulary. This also include design elements like how to use, logo, fonts and images.

We welcome UX writers/Content writers to take this opportunity to create Voice, Tone and Style guidelines for brand. For details on active voice and jargon, we encourage reading Mailchimp's excellently written Voice, Tone and Style guidelines, which inspired this section. For a primer on positive language, we think you'll enjoy these Guidelines on being concise using positive language by

Keen to know what do you think on this :)

[1] Voice, tone and style: The whys, wheres and hows