simplegeo / geocoder

Modular Street Address Geocoder
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metaphone segfaults #7

Open trs-80 opened 13 years ago

trs-80 commented 13 years ago

Getting segmentation fault when metaphone is called. A simple test to reproduce the issue is:

sqlite3 SQLite version 2011-06-28 17:39:05 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> .load lib/geocoder/us/ sqlite> SELECT metaphone('test'); Segmentation fault

Noticed the issue after passing -echo to sqlite3 while running tiger_import and it died on the convert.sql execution, which uses the metaphone extension.

snip INSERT INTO feature_bin SELECT DISTINCT NULL, fullname, metaphone(name,5), paflag, zip FROM linezip l, tiger_featnames f WHERE l.tlid=f.tlid AND name <> "" AND name IS NOT NULL; Segmentation fault

There were no errors during the build process for geocoder AFTER I disabled iconv, not sure if UTF8 would have anything to do with this, but wanted to disclose the fact just in case. The issue with iconv is related to the 64bit version I believe.

I am using Xcode 4 on Mac OS 10.6.8 with self compiled sqlite3 to support extensions.