simpleidserver / SimpleIdServer

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Nested routes of not existing endpoints are not matched by DefaultController. #507

Closed IlyaAbramau closed 1 year ago

IlyaAbramau commented 1 year ago

Hi. The nested routes of not existing endpoints are not matched by DefaultController. For example host://lalala/lala will be not matched and the host://lalala will be matched. The 3.0.3 release had this modification of route attribute:


Why the "" was removed? If we will use the [Route("{url}", Order = 999)] all routes (include nested: host://lalala/lala) will be matched. Could you please check this moment and return the * symbol?

Thank you.

simpleidserver commented 1 year ago


The "*" has been removed from the RouteAttribute after this discussion "". When the app.UseRouting statement is removed from Startup.cs or Program.cs then the swagger endpoint is not working because the JS Files cannot be found. I'll take a look & find a better solution.



IlyaAbramau commented 1 year ago


Yeah, js files for the "" are not found because of when swagger middleware returns index page (with empty routingPrefix), the index page tries to load necessary files by the route (for example host://swagger-js-bundle) and this route is matched by the DefaultController, so we get 404 and index page fails to load. However, this behavior seems to be working for both {url} and {*url}.

I guess, if we are using approach with DefaultController, adding app.UseRouting after app.UseSwaggerUI is okay. As documentation says: "If middleware should be run before route matching occurs, UseRouting should be called and the middleware should be placed before the call to UseRouting." (

Hope this information will be useful.

simpleidserver commented 1 year ago


The RouteAttribute has been rolled back in the branch release\3.0.4.

[Route("{*url}", Order = 999)]