Closed accairlines closed 1 year ago
This is the Simple Injector forum, but from the list of used assemblies, it seems you're not using Simple Injector. This means that this issue is not related to Simple Injector, in which case this is not the right place to add.
I am completely stuck with this issue for a week now. It works on my developer environment but not on the Windows Server 2019, a virtual machine from Azure.
I am developing a Windows Service to access Azure Service Bus in an application that uses the Azure Service Bus for implementing a near real-time business logic and write and read asynchronously from the queues.
The machine has net3.5 and net4.7.2 and I have: amqmdnetstd.dll amqmxmsstd.dll Autofac.dll Azure.Core.Amqp.dll Azure.Core.dll Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.dll BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll EntityFramework.dll EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll Google.Protobuf.dll Google.Protobuf.pdb HubTMCommon.dll HubTMCommon.dll.config HubTMCommon.pdb HubTMDBLibrary.dll HubTMDBLibrary.dll.config HubTMDBLibrary.pdb HubTMEngineProcessing.dll HubTMEngineProcessing.pdb HubTMQueueProcessing.dll HubTMQueueProcessing.dll.config HubTMQueueProcessing.pdb HubTMQueueSynchronization.dll HubTMQueueSynchronization.dll.config HubTMQueueSynchronization.pdb HubTMServiceMgmt.exe HubTMServiceMgmt.exe.config HubTMServiceMgmt.pdb K4os.Compression.LZ4.dll K4os.Compression.LZ4.Streams.dll K4os.Hash.xxHash.dll Microsoft.Azure.Amqp.dll Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll MySql.Data.dll MySql.Data.EntityFramework.dll Newtonsoft.Json.dll NLog.dll NRules.dll NRules.Fluent.dll NRules.Fluent.pdb NRules.pdb NRules.RuleModel.dll NRules.RuleModel.pdb ProjectInstaller.cs ProjectInstaller.Designer.cs ProjectInstaller.resx
Don't understand if I need to add something, install something or remove something. Can anyone help?
I can do a Teams meeting