simplesamlphp / SAML-tracer

Browser extension for examining SAML messages
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
141 stars 39 forks source link

Null value in exported file #66

Closed michaellewis259 closed 4 years ago

michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

I'm having issues with exporting the trace. It doesn't matter if I mask/exclude values or not, the resulting file shows as null. This is happening in both Firefox and Chrome, which leads me to believe there is something I need to allow with one of my security tools, but nothing is showing up in their various consoles. Do you have any ideas as to what is going on?

khlr commented 4 years ago

Hi Michael!

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this behaviour. Could you please launch the dev tools (F12) within the extension window and see if it outputs some stacktrace or something similar at the console-tab?


michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

I'm showing a few errors:


debug from the first JS error: `/**

// export SAMLTrace namespace to make ao. Request definitions available var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SAMLTraceIO"];

// Put functionality in out own namespace if ("undefined" == typeof(SAMLTraceIO)) { var SAMLTraceIO = {}; };

SAMLTraceIO = function() { };

SAMLTraceIO.prototype = { /**


SAMLTraceIO.ExportFilter.prototype = { 'loadPreferences' : function(cookieProfile) { this.exportFilters = [];

switch (cookieProfile) {
  case '1' :    // No cookiefiltering or filtering whatsoever

  case '2' :    // Apply hash filters
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashValueFilter('post', '*'),                          // hash *all* the post elements
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.overwriteKeyValue('postData'),                         // overwrite the postData-variable
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashCookieValueFilter('requestHeaders', 'Cookie'),     // hash cookie values in request
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashCookieValueFilter('responseHeaders', 'Set-Cookie') // well as in response

  case '3' :    // Apply obfuscate/overwrite filters
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateValueFilter('post', '*'),                          // obfuscate *all* the post elements
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.overwriteKeyValue('postData'),                              // overwrite the postData-variable
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateCookieValueFilter('requestHeaders', 'Cookie'),     // obfuscate cookie values in request
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateCookieValueFilter('responseHeaders', 'Set-Cookie') // well as in response


'perform' : function(reqs) { let the_filters = this.exportFilters; // move from instance to local scope

const createFromJSON = function(obj) {
  let stringified = JSON.stringify(obj);
  return JSON.parse(stringified);

const enrichWithResponse = (req, res) => {
  let responseCopy = createFromJSON(res);
  req.responseStatus = responseCopy.statusCode;
  req.responseStatusText = responseCopy.statusLine;
  req.responseHeaders = responseCopy.responseHeaders;

let reqscopy = => {
  let newRequest = createFromJSON(req);
  enrichWithResponse(newRequest, req.getResponse());

  the_filters.forEach(filter => filter(newRequest));
  return newRequest;

return reqscopy;

} }; `

and second: `/**

// export SAMLTrace namespace to make ao. Request definitions available var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SAMLTraceIO"];

// Put functionality in out own namespace if ("undefined" == typeof(SAMLTraceIO)) { var SAMLTraceIO = {}; };

SAMLTraceIO = function() { };

SAMLTraceIO.prototype = { /**


SAMLTraceIO.ExportFilter.prototype = { 'loadPreferences' : function(cookieProfile) { this.exportFilters = [];

switch (cookieProfile) {
  case '1' :    // No cookiefiltering or filtering whatsoever

  case '2' :    // Apply hash filters
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashValueFilter('post', '*'),                          // hash *all* the post elements
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.overwriteKeyValue('postData'),                         // overwrite the postData-variable
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashCookieValueFilter('requestHeaders', 'Cookie'),     // hash cookie values in request
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.hashCookieValueFilter('responseHeaders', 'Set-Cookie') // well as in response

  case '3' :    // Apply obfuscate/overwrite filters
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateValueFilter('post', '*'),                          // obfuscate *all* the post elements
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.overwriteKeyValue('postData'),                              // overwrite the postData-variable
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateCookieValueFilter('requestHeaders', 'Cookie'),     // obfuscate cookie values in request
      SAMLTraceIO_filters.obfuscateCookieValueFilter('responseHeaders', 'Set-Cookie') // well as in response


'perform' : function(reqs) { let the_filters = this.exportFilters; // move from instance to local scope

const createFromJSON = function(obj) {
  let stringified = JSON.stringify(obj);
  return JSON.parse(stringified);

const enrichWithResponse = (req, res) => {
  let responseCopy = createFromJSON(res);
  req.responseStatus = responseCopy.statusCode;
  req.responseStatusText = responseCopy.statusLine;
  req.responseHeaders = responseCopy.responseHeaders;

let reqscopy = => {
  let newRequest = createFromJSON(req);
  enrichWithResponse(newRequest, req.getResponse());

  the_filters.forEach(filter => filter(newRequest));
  return newRequest;

return reqscopy;

} };`

khlr commented 4 years ago

Does this occur for each and every trace you try to export? Or does it only happen, when there's a certain request contained in the trace?

Could you please try make a small trace. E.g. just trace the request to this issue. Is it exportable?

I could very well imagine that there's a single request in your trace which causes the error. We probably need to narrow down the source of the problem 😉

michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

I receive this error on ANY export attempt, both Chrome and Firefox. This is why I think it's something to do with our Cylance policy that is preventing the export from completing

tvdijen commented 4 years ago

I'm on a REALLY tight government workstation and even I can use SAML-tracer.. Why not try and disable your security tool for a second and see if it makes any difference, instead of asking us to debug the indebuggable/non-reproducible issue?

Ask yourself how you can rule out your environment, instead of asking the community to rule out an environment that's a complete black-box for them ;)

khlr commented 4 years ago

Yep, as Tim said it's really hard to guess what the problem may be. 🤔

I think it's really worth a try disabling Cylance for a moment. Does it log something when re-enable it and try the export again? Does it prevent other downloads or similar things, too?

michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

That's what I was somewhat obscurely asking for in my initial post. Are there any paths your extensions runs from I can try to exclude from our EPP?

tvdijen commented 4 years ago

What do you mean by paths? This add-on is all javascript..

michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

I ask because EPPs can block scripts based upon policies, and I need the path the script runs from to exclude said script(s)

khlr commented 4 years ago

You could try the following:

Good luck 😀👍

khlr commented 4 years ago

Did this work out for you, @michaellewis259? Or did you give up on it? 😕

michaellewis259 commented 4 years ago

Nothing seems to be working, no exclusion I make (that's acceptable from a security standpoint) helps. I'll just use a VM or something. I appreciate the assist, and sorry for the wasted time.

si-heger commented 2 years ago

Even though this issue is closed I just want to add that I have the exact same issue

tvdijen commented 2 years ago

@si-heger Are you using the same security product as the OP? If you can help us get to the problematic code, we can try to fix it..

si-heger commented 2 years ago

@tvdijen We are not using the same products but similar stuff like Crowdstrike Falcon and Tenable Nessus. Getting the code is difficult as I am not a programmer :) If you can send me an instruction on how to get more details I can do that

tvdijen commented 2 years ago

See if you can get things to work by following @khlr 's suggestions. I'm not familiar with Crowdstrike or Tenable, but I'm sure it produces logs if it blocks something..

slowerogue commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, on my VM, just normal windows 10 without any antivirus installed.

on the saml-tracer, (f12), console>

Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
    createFromJSON moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/SAMLTraceIO.js:180
    enrichWithResponse moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/SAMLTraceIO.js:184
    reqscopy moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/SAMLTraceIO.js:192
    perform moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/SAMLTraceIO.js:190
    exportRequests moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/SAMLTraceIO.js:26
    createExportResult moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/exportDialog.js:66
    setupContent moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/exportDialog.js:60
    bindButtons moz-extension://bf62048e-a85b-45ab-9121-67d45272d2fb/src/ui.js:95

Anyway , what I tested was : If I access the page that prompt for Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead, SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER, then the export will be null If I have already accept the risk and conitnue previously, then the export works as expected

kellenmurphy commented 2 years ago

I was able to replicate this as well, based on what info @slowerogue provided above.

2022-08-01 08_54_32

I simply triggered an AuthnRequest to an IDP that had a self-signed certificate loaded. I was unable to export the AuthnRequest in SAML-Tracer. Even trying the export again after clicking "Accept Risk and Continue" I was unable to export.

All of this testing was performed in my lab environment with no security solution in place, and given the issue seems to have cropped up for sites with self-signed certs (and hence the "Potential Security Risk" warning), I am going to venture and guess that this may be related to Firefox security impositions? I use SAML-Tracer frequently with in-progress or dev sites with self-signed HTTPS certificates, but I don't think I've ever tried exporting one of them.

Strictly speaking, I'm not sure that this is 100% related to the issue as originally brought up by @michaellewis259, but it very well could be, and certainly does seem to be repeatable. My deep suspicion here is that this is the result of restrictions placed on the WebExtension when the security warning is triggered for the self-signed cert.

kellenmurphy commented 2 years ago

I also just noticed that we're dead-threading here... I'm going to post my comment above on the open issue #69.