simplesamlphp / simplesamlphp-module-metarefresh

The metarefresh module will download and parse metadata documents and store them locally
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
7 stars 13 forks source link

SSP 2.x #21

Closed isrjo closed 1 year ago

isrjo commented 1 year ago

Under the impression the current state of this project is incompatible with v2 of SimpleSamlPHP. I wrote a oneliner to restore that, but my lack of php-skills as well as the non-existing knowledge of this project makes it impossibe to decide wherer or not that is considered sufficient. It most probably breaks all backward compatibility

The commit is found here do with it as you please

Tested against simplesamlphp 2.0.0-rc2.

tvdijen commented 1 year ago

Thanks @isrjo !