simplesamlphp / simplesamlphp-module-oidc

A SimpleSAMLphp module for OIDC OP support.
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CORS for token & discovery endpoints #189

Closed rmdashrfslash closed 1 year ago

rmdashrfslash commented 1 year ago

Hi - I've successfully setup this module within my simplesamlphp environment. Now I'm trying to use OIDC from within React, specifically with this module:

With a little bit of extra configuration, I can get around the discovery endpoint not outputting CORS headers, however the token endpoint needs to have CORS headers sent to work. Once CORS headers are outputted, it works correctly. I have tested it by having my nginx proxy server in front of simplesamlphp output the headers temporarily.

Ideally it would be nice to support CORS on module.php/oidc/token.php and module.php/oidc/openid-configuration.php ( and .well-known/openid-configuration).

cicnavi commented 1 year ago


CORS should not kick in for simple HTTP requests as getting openid-configuration... Those should be simple HTTP GET requests, and this should work when cross-origin.

Try this: go to your web app, open up the console and run this:

// Just to show current 'origin' as the browser sees it...

// Try to get OIDC config from Google... 
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(data));

You should get HTTP 200 OK, without browser issuing any CORS related preflight requests (you can check this in the Network tab). You can replace Google with your SimpleSAMLphp instalation, it should also work without your proxy related modifications...

Ok, but there is a situation where CORS does kicks in, and that is for requests to 'userinfo' endpoint. This is because this request uses Authorization Bearer token header, and this triggers a preflight HTTP request (CORS). We actually do handle this. When you register your public client, you can see an 'Allowed origin' option. There you should enter any origin which will be allowed to send cross-origin requests to userinfo endpoint....

cicnavi commented 1 year ago

Aaah, ok I see where the problem is. There is no preflight request issued by the browser, but the response doesn't share the data with js client if there is no Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" in response. So the issue actually exists :/....

cicnavi commented 1 year ago

TODO: add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" header for responses in authn related endpoints except for 'userinfo' endpoint where this is already handled for registered allowed origins.