simplesourcing / simplesource

Simple Sourcing is an API for building event sourcing systems
Apache License 2.0
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Closed andybritz closed 5 years ago

andybritz commented 5 years ago

The addition of a SAGA API to help with long running transactions. We should aim to solve the basic case as the full spectrum of SAGA complexity is something that would be difficult to cater for.

szoio commented 5 years ago

Some thoughts on sagas below for discussion...


A saga is long-lived business transaction consting of several smaller actions or transactions that are executed independently. A saga manager is a process that aims to coordinate such a set of transactions and provide failure handling mechanisms.


  1. This isn't as restrictive as it sounds. It just means this is not the responsibility of the saga manager. The processor of a dependent action can subscribe to an event stream produced by one of its precedents. It does however rule out conditional execution or branching logic. (See question below).
  2. With Kafka exactly once semantics, we get some support for this out the box.
  1. Does the scope of sagas include managing complex workflows and branching logic, or is it limited purely to managing distributed / long running transactions? In this doc we are currently assuming the latter.


A saga can be represented as a directed acyclical graph of individual actions. The vertices of the graph represent these transactions, and the edges represent the dependencies between them.

The Saga knows nothing about the implementation details of the action. From the sagas point of view, each action consists conceptually of a pair (startAction: Command, undoAction: Option[Command]). It may additionally contain configuration or rules for things like retries and timeouts.

Some requirements for the actions:


Sagas are managed by a saga manager (also known as saga coordinator or process manager). In our implementation, this will be a Kafka (probably KStream) application.

We refer to the process that listens for commands and executes them as action processors. From the saga manager's point of view, these action processors are black boxes. All communication between the Saga manager and the action processors is via messaging.

In our Kafka based implementation, this is done by:

The SagaActionFinished is a generic event type, and is shared for all topics.

A saga is started by creating an instance of the saga with it's own unique identifier, the Saga ID.

Each saga has an event log associated with it (as a shared log across all sagas, but keyed by the saga ID). Every interaction is logged in an event log:

These log entries are events, and are stored indefinitely in a saga interaction topic.

From this log of interactions, the current state of the saga at any point in time can be derived. As a saga has a bounded lifespan its state can easily be derived on the fly.

The saga has a handler associated with it that:

The dependency graph defines the order in which actions are executed. An action can be started as soon as completion events have been received for all the actions it depends on.

When all actions in the graph are complete, the saga is completed successfully, and a saga complete event is emitted. The client application that launched the saga can listen for this event.

If any of the actions fail, either by receiving a failure event, timing out, or exhausting retries, the saga goes into undo mode. It then works through the dependency graph in reverse, sending commands to execute the compensating actions.

Once all the compensating actions have been completed the saga is complete, but failed. An event is emitted to his effect.

If any of the compensating actions fail, it still attempts to execute the remaining undo actions. In addition, a command is issued to request further investigation / send an email / log an issue in an issue tracker. This is an unexpected error, and will need escalation outside the scope of the saga manager itself.

The actor model is a useful abstraction for understanding and implementing sagas:

"Your actor framework is a process manager framework" - Greg Young

Some thoughts and observations


Because sagas are initiated with a command and emit an event when complete, just like any action they control, they can be composed into sagas of sagas without adding additional complexity.

So it makes sense to keep the sagas as simple as possible and compose where needed.

External processes effects

Any action can be controlled by a Saga - it just needs to wrapped so that it is started by a command message, and emits a message when it terminates.

This enables the saga manager to control processes that have interactions with external systems such as calling an endpoint on a web service.

This web service call must be idempotent, to handle the following scenario:

In this case the process manager will need to resubmit the command. This will now be a new command, and it will result in the webservice being called again. This is where idempotence is required - the second call tto the web service should be a no-op.


Example data flows below:


Make bid saga
  1. Start
  2. Reserve funds against account -> FundsReserved or FundsReserveFailed
  3. Place bid against account -> BidAccepted or BidRejected
  4. Done

As these actions are saga aware, they also emit SagaActionFinished events.

Saga definition

  "name": "ReserveFunds",
  "parameters": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actions": [
        "name": "ReserveFunds",
        "actionId": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
        "dependsOn": [],
        "command": {
          "name": "ReserveFunds",
          "parameters": {
            "reservationId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
            "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a",
            "amount": 3000
          "properties": {
            "timeout": "30 seconds",
            "retries": "retry config here..."
        "undoAction": {
         "actionId": "bc0b6da1-a192-455a-8c44-2e7bf08405ff",
         "name": "UndoReserveFunds",
          "command": {
            "name": "UndoReserveFunds",
            "parameters": {
              "reservationId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
              "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a"
        "name": "PlaceBid",
        "actionId": "c198f2de-ff42-4a5c-a79f-a4bef177ffb9",
        "dependsOn": ["f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c"],
        "command": {
          "name": "PlaceBid",
          "parameters": {
            "bidId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
            "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a",
            "auctionId": "e92d244a-96d3-458d-a29e-0900c9632cee",
            "amount": 1500
          "properties": {
            "timeout": "30 seconds"

Note that the saga definition as the same shape as a command (see examples below). It is exaclty that. In can itself be included as part of a bigger saga.

ReserveFunds Command

Key: "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a" (account ID)

  "name": "ReserveFunds",
  "parameters": {
    "reservationId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
    "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a",
    "amount": 3000
  "saga": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c"

Note the inclusion of saga metadata.

PlaceBid Command

Key: "e92d244a-96d3-458d-a29e-0900c9632cee" (auction ID)

  "name": "PlaceBid",
  "parameters": {
    "bidId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
    "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a",
    "auctionId": "e92d244a-96d3-458d-a29e-0900c9632cee",
    "amount": 1500
  "saga": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "c198f2de-ff42-4a5c-a79f-a4bef177ffb9"

UndoReserveFunds Command

Key: "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a" (account ID)

  "name": "UndoReserveFunds",
  "parameters": {
    "reservationId": "4a53bf63-3ae9-483f-984f-013dcf327225",
    "accountId": "bddf81a2-23bb-4cad-979f-cb9f68e3e62a"
  "saga": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "bc0b6da1-a192-455a-8c44-2e7bf08405ff",
    "undo": true

Result events

In the scenario where

Key: "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90" (saga ID)

ReserveAccount succeeds

  "name": "SagaActionFinished",
  "parameters": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
    "result": "Success"

PlaceBid fails

  "name": "SagaActionFinished",
  "parameters": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "c198f2de-ff42-4a5c-a79f-a4bef177ffb9",
    "result": "Failure"

UndoReserveAccount succeeds

  "name": "SagaActionFinished",
  "parameters": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "actionId": "bc0b6da1-a192-455a-8c44-2e7bf08405ff",
    "result": "Success",
    "undo": true

Saga finished event

This event is emitted to notify that the entire saga is complete.

  "name": "SagaFinished",
  "parameters": {
    "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
    "result": "Failure"

Saga state

Initial state

  "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
  "actions": []

After starting the reserve funds, but before its completion

  "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
  "actions": [ 
      "id": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
      "result": "Pending"

After reserve funds completes

  "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
  "actions": [ 
      "id": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
      "result": "Success"

After starting place bid, but before completion

  "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
  "actions": [ 
      "id": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
      "result": "Success"
      "id": "c198f2de-ff42-4a5c-a79f-a4bef177ffb9",
      "result": "Pending"

Final saga state

  "sagaId": "d03c9cba-e0b1-4acf-93dd-f903e6857d90",
  "actions": [ 
      "id": "f2ada97b-90a3-4541-9c5f-c6782381c91c",
      "result": "Success"
      "id": "c198f2de-ff42-4a5c-a79f-a4bef177ffb9",
      "result": "Failure"
      "id": "bc0b6da1-a192-455a-8c44-2e7bf08405ff",
      "result": "Success"


  1. Action command handlers need to be Saga aware. This means that they need some information about the saga execution context.
    • sagaId - this is needed to localise all events concerned with the execution of a saga onto the same partition in the saga event topic.
    • actionId - each action within a saga has a unique ID. This is used to define the saga action state
szoio commented 5 years ago

Some more thoughts on Sagas / processes implementation: Two approaches:

A. Via the CommandAPI:

We can kind of do this already quite easily for small ad-hoc use cases.


B. Pure messaging approach:

andybritz commented 5 years ago

In terms of B. Pure messaging, is there a way we can pull out the command API from the Handler, it would be nice if the ProcessController used the same API, but it does not need to be coupled with a CommandHandler and EventHandler.

This way the API is the same just the access to the implementation for the API differs?

szoio commented 5 years ago

Yes I hope this is possible. The CommandRequest has some specifics that may not be directly applicable to sagas (such as Sequence). Maybe there is an an appropriate interpretation in the saga context.

szoio commented 5 years ago

Experimental project added:

andybritz commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue, now that we have the saga project. We can continue our discussion in that space.