simplewebrtc / SimpleWebRTC

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ICE failed, your TURN server appears to be broken #694

Open fuatberk opened 6 years ago

fuatberk commented 6 years ago


I have a problem

Broadcast is not working via chrome-firefox - Sometimes they connect, sometimes not connect The broadcast does not work with firefox-opera Broadcast is not working with opera-chrome


Works with Chrome-Chrome, Firefox-Firefox, Opera-Opera

Can you help me?

My Server( : My JS :

Zythyr commented 6 years ago

Are the two peers trying to connect on the same local network or on two different networks?

I was having the same issue when two peers trying to connect were on the same local network. However, I realized one of my browser privacy extensions, Privacy Badger, was the culprit. See more details;

fuatberk commented 6 years ago

Dear @Zythyr ;

I use SSL :

";true " ";true "

Where do I add the above codes?

Zythyr commented 6 years ago

@BR9 I think you misunderstood me. You do NOT need to do anything with;true and;true. They are Firefox's configuration variables. Do NOT modify these.

Since the two peers you're testing are on two different networks, I am not really sure what is causing your issue. For me, the ICE Failed issue was occurring on the same network. I resolved my issue by disabling Privacy Badger extension.

I suggest the following for troubleshooting:

1) Use this SimpleWebRTC Filetransfer demo . In this demo there is is no TURN server. There is only a STUN server. If two peers are able to connect directly and transfer files using WebRTC, then you can be confident there is not browser/network specific issues between the two peers.

2) I am assuming you're using signalmaster as your signalling server. Make sure you have properly configured the STUN/TURN server in the signalmaster/config/development.json and signalmaster/config/production.json 3) You can check if your own personal STUN/TURN servers are working correctly by using this tool:

4) Check out this article on how how to debug some of the WebRTC issues in your browser:

fuatberk commented 6 years ago

@Zythyr thanks for the answers :)


I do not have a turn server I only use SignalMaster ( ghh

JakeTrock commented 6 years ago

@BR9 it's fine that you use the public turn server now, but if you want to do anything other than going on the app yourself as a hobbyist then you MUST install a TURN extension on your server, I recommend

RamyaAshika commented 5 years ago

But I dont't have any privacy Badger in firefox but still I'm getting this error on same network @Zythyr