simplex-chat / simplexmq

⚙️ SimpleXMQ - A reference implementation of the SimpleX Messaging Protocol for simplex queues over public networks.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Docker] Server is not initialized - Unraid #630

Open Joshndroid opened 1 year ago

Joshndroid commented 1 year ago

I am trying to deploy this on my unraid server.

I have used all your variables/port/env within the docker section

Unraid doesn't appear to allow :z so i have these as RW

i am getting constant container reboots.

I can see the logs get generated and it advises

Error: server is not initialized (/etc/opt/simplex/smp-server.ini does not exist).
Run `smp-server init`.

I can't run the init command manually in the docker as its constantly rebooting.

Any suggestions? should I be setting a PUID or PGID or UMASK?

shumvgolove commented 1 year ago

I'm not familiar with unraid and, unfortunately, cannot test this setup.

Error: server is not initialized (/etc/opt/simplex/smp-server.ini does not exist). means that /etc/opt/simplex didn't mount properly to your host location or doesn't have necessary permissions to do so. You should check unraid logs for related issues.

Baatezu commented 1 year ago

Have same error on ubuntu do exactly like say in instructions

Joshndroid commented 9 months ago

Is there any update on getting this installed without the necessity to have the :z ??

royborgen commented 3 months ago

I had the same issue. My issue was caused by my server password contained invalid characters. Try to remove special characters like @ / : ;