Adding comments to your PR that explains why subtle changes were made can help. If you are revising something that is already translated, an explanation is required.
MEANING: You need to always provide reason why you are changing the already translated text and explain with proof why the previous text was wrong.
Only edit files if you see something wrong with the translations. You must check in-game first if there's a typo, missing punctuation, term used on invalid context or any similar mistake, so you can look for the string line that belongs to that/those specific text(s) to be corrected for your language.
MEANING: You should NOT make any change if you don't find inaccuracy with in-game translations. A full review of the specific language file you are about to change is also advisable.
Making small, random or inconsistent changes on the file just for the Translator tag is not worth it. It's mandatory that you have at least knowledge on the English language and make sure you have a good writing on your native language or any other language you are about to change. The game translation algorithm must always be taken very seriously.
MEANING: Translator tag cannot be used for fun nor be used to distribute to anyone everywhere. This is a big and frank commitment with the team for translating the game. You should NOT run for the Translator tag because it seems "beautiful" with the cyan ID colour, because you saw someone with the tag on in-game chat or mail, or to accumulate all the tags in the game (those are the most common reasons why the whole community wants such tag nowadays). This service needs to be taken seriously.
id 32166666