Closed se8820726 closed 5 years ago
Sorry for delay. I look into you post and everything in your example is ok. If you look futher into article you linked, you can see that in 4. point there is deterministic ECDSA signature and this output is exatly the same as your
In our lib all ECDSA signatures are generated in "deterministic" way by default. If you want to get not deterministic signature you should pass k option to sign method. K option is a function which should return BN number. If you generate signature in not determinsitic way, each signature will be different, but all these still will successfully validate. In article in 3. point there is a not deterministic signature which is almost imposible to regenerate because to achieve that you should generate the same k. Example how to generate not deterministic signature:
use Elliptic\EC;
use BN\BN;
$message = "30f10a6468b7d98257af63fb40dfcf2cefe991346fd37c67cf7b51ff8d4404d3";
$privKeyHex = "0ecd20654c2e2be708495853e8da35c664247040c00bd10b9b13e5e86e6a808d";
$pubKeyHex = "042daa93315eebbe2cb9b5c3505df4c6fb6caca8b756786098567550d4820c09db988fe9997d049d687292f815ccd6e7fb5c1b1a91137999818d17c73d0f80aef9";
$ec = new EC('secp256k1');
$privKey = $ec->keyFromPrivate($privKeyHex);
$pubKey = $ec->keyFromPublic($pubKeyHex, "hex");
$notDeterministicOptions = array(
"k" => function() {
return new BN(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32), 256);
$determinsiticSignature = $privKey->sign($message);
echo "Determinsitic signature: " . $determinsiticSignature->toDER("hex") . "\n";
echo "Validating determinisitic signature: " . ($pubKey->verify($message, $determinsiticSignature) ? "Success" : "Failure") . "\n";
$notDeterminsiticSignature1 = $privKey->sign($message, $notDeterministicOptions);
echo "Not determinsitic signature no. 1: " . $notDeterminsiticSignature1->toDER("hex") . "\n";
echo "Validating not determinisitic signature no. 1: " . ($pubKey->verify($message, $notDeterminsiticSignature1) ? "Success" : "Failure") . "\n";
$notDeterminsiticSignature2 = $privKey->sign($message, $notDeterministicOptions);
echo "Not determinsitic signature no. 2: " . $notDeterminsiticSignature2->toDER("hex") . "\n";
echo "Validating not determinisitic signature no. 2: " . ($pubKey->verify($message, $notDeterminsiticSignature2) ? "Success" : "Failure") . "\n";
hi good man I was reading this article about how making bitcoin raw transactions.
in the article step3 is result after signing step1 with this privatekey:
step1 (raw transaction before signing):
step3 (result after signing double sha256 of step1 raw trx):
I signed step1 by your library and got me this result:
As you see result of signing message is different from result of signing message in step3.
this is full my code:
please help me to find out whats my wrong.