[x] Settings page could do with a lot more work making it look nicer, + the code could use some work
[x] Improving the LoadoutState editor GUI by enabling ability to rename, etc
[x] Ability to copy paste specific tags (and the state in which they are active in) across multiple pawns (assign menu? - how to choose which tags)
[x] Changing the pawn being viewed when the loadout menu is opened by clicking on the colonist bar
[x] When creating a tag, if the search bar has some string in it, the name of the new tag is the content of the search bar
[x] On tag editor screen, show a list of all pawns in the game which could be assigned a loadout, and a tickbox to enable whether the pawn has this tag or not
[x] All GUI's could use a lot of work cleaning up the code (notably the apparel intersection code is quite messy)
[x] A more flexible system for adding integrations with various mods, currently they are patched in a variety of ways, not very simple
[ ] On thingfilter screen, add buttons to mass enable/disable items which belong in the current set of tags with users. This would have an effect similar to 'Do this bill on all items which exist in tags which are also valid for this bill', and vice versa. Useful for repairs etc
[ ] Update documentation on github
[ ] Should add a more flexible system for automatic backwards compatibility, including proper semantic versioning in the assembly
[ ] Add save repair button to restore saves where there is save-data corruption. Clears LoadoutElements.
[ ] Mod integration with Better Pawn Control and Colony groups to easily set the currently active loadout state for a defined set of pawns by the mod