simplysameer333 / MachineLearning

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vec #3

Open simplysameer333 opened 6 years ago

simplysameer333 commented 6 years ago

import pickle from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors import config import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time from pathlib import Path

''' Expected generated parameter clean_articles -> articles after removing impurities sorted_articles -> articles sorted as the thr length sorted_headline -> headlines (sorted as per article length) as the thr length vocab_to_int -> interger values of all vocab words word_embedding_matrix -> 300 dim matrix for each word in vocab '''

Config values

threshold = config.threshold embedding_dim = config.embedding_dim

def create_or_load_model(): model_pickle = Path(config.base_path + config.model_pickle_filename) if model_pickle.exists(): print("Loading Pre-Trained Model Pickle..... ") start = time.perf_counter() with open(config.base_path + config.model_pickle_filename, 'rb') as handle: model = pickle.load(handle) print("Loaded Pre-Trained Model Pickle, time taken", ((time.perf_counter() - start) / 60)) else: print("Loading Pre-Trained Model ..... ") start = time.perf_counter() model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(config.model_path, binary=False) with open(config.base_path + config.model_pickle_filename, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(model, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Loaded Pre-Trained Model, time taken", ((time.perf_counter() - start) / 60)) return model

def count_words(count_dict, text): ''' Count the number of occurrences of each word in a set of text''' for sentence in text: for word in sentence.split(): if word not in count_dict: count_dict[word] = 1 else: count_dict[word] += 1

def vectorization(text, embeddings_index, model): for sentence in text: try: for vocab_word in sentence.split(): embeddings_index[vocab_word] = model[vocab_word]

print ("Found Words ", vocab_word)

            # print("Work : {vocab_word} , vector value : {vector_value}".format(vocab_word=vocab_word, vector_value =vector_value))
    except KeyError:
        # print("{vocab_word} not in vocabulary".format(vocab_word=vocab_word))

def missing_word_ratio(word_counts, embeddings_index): ''' Find the number of words that are missing from CN, and are used more than our threshold.''' missing_words_count = 0 missing_words = list()

for word, count in word_counts.items():
    if word not in embeddings_index and word not in missing_words and count > threshold:
        missing_words_count += 1
        # print("{word} is missing ".format(word=word))

missing_ratio = round(missing_words_count / len(word_counts), 4) * 100
return missing_ratio, missing_words_count

def covert_vocab_to_int(word_counts, embeddings_index):

dictionary to convert words to integers

vocab_to_int = {}

value = 0
for word, count in word_counts.items():
    if count > threshold or word in embeddings_index:
        vocab_to_int[word] = value
        value += 1

# Special tokens that will be added to our vocab
codes = ["<UNK>", "<PAD>", "<EOS>", "<GO>"]

# Add codes to vocab
for code in codes:
    vocab_to_int[code] = len(vocab_to_int)

# Dictionary to convert integers to words
int_to_vocab = {}
for word, value in vocab_to_int.items():
    int_to_vocab[value] = word

usage_ratio = round(len(vocab_to_int) / len(word_counts), 4) * 100

print("Total number of unique words:", len(word_counts))
print("Number of words we will use:", len(vocab_to_int))
print("Percent of words we will use: {}%".format(usage_ratio))

return vocab_to_int

def create_combine_word_matrix(vocab_to_int, embeddings_index): ''' Need to use 300 for embedding dimensions to match corpus(input data) vectors. This will return cobine matriz that would have 'embeddings_index' for from pre-trained word embedding plus random embedding generated for words missing in pre-trained word embedding.'''

nb_words = len(vocab_to_int)

# Create matrix with default values of zero
word_embedding_matrix = np.zeros((nb_words, embedding_dim), dtype=np.float32)
for word, i in vocab_to_int.items():
    if word in embeddings_index:
        word_embedding_matrix[i] = embeddings_index[word]
        # If word not in CN, create a random embedding for it
        new_embedding = np.array(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, embedding_dim))
        embeddings_index[word] = new_embedding
        word_embedding_matrix[i] = new_embedding

# Check if value matches len(vocab_to_int)
print("word_embedding_matrix length : ", len(word_embedding_matrix))
return word_embedding_matrix

def convert_to_ints(text, vocab_to_int, eos=False): '''Convert words in text to an integer. If word is not in vocab_to_int, use UNK's integer. Total the number of words and UNKs. Add EOS token to the end of texts''' ints = [] word_count = 0 unk_count = 0 for sentence in text: sentence_ints = [] for word in sentence.split(): word_count += 1 if word in vocab_to_int: sentence_ints.append(vocab_to_int[word]) else: sentence_ints.append(vocab_to_int[""])

print("UNK Word : ", word)

            unk_count += 1
    if eos:

unk_percent = round(unk_count / word_count, 4) * 100

print("Total number of words : ", word_count)
print("Total number of UNKs : ", unk_count)
print("Percent of words that are UNK: {}%".format(unk_percent))

return ints, word_count, unk_count

def create_dataFrame(text): '''Create a data frame of the sentence lengths from a text''' lengths = [] for sentence in text: lengths.append(len(sentence)) return pd.DataFrame(lengths, columns=['counts'])

def unk_counter(sentence, vocab_to_int): '''Counts the number of time UNK appears in a sentence.''' unk_count = 0 for word in sentence: if word == vocab_to_int[""]: unk_count += 1 return unk_count

def sort_corplus_old(lengths_articles, int_rep_articles, int_rep_headlines, vocab_to_int): ''' Sort the summaries and texts by the length of the texts, shortest to longest Limit the length of summaries and texts based on the min and max ranges. Remove reviews that include too many UNKs'''

sorted_articles = []
sorted_headlines = []
max_text_length = config.max_text_length
max_summary_length = config.max_summary_length
min_length = config.min_length
unk_text_limit = config.unk_text_limit
unk_summary_limit = 0

for length in range(min(lengths_articles.counts), max_text_length):
    # print("length ===", length)
    for count, words in enumerate(int_rep_headlines):
        if (len(int_rep_articles[count]) >= min_length and
                unk_counter(int_rep_headlines[count], vocab_to_int) <= unk_summary_limit
                and unk_counter(int_rep_articles[count]) <= unk_text_limit
                and length == len(int_rep_articles[count], vocab_to_int)):

# Compare lengths to ensure they match

return sorted_articles, sorted_headlines

def sort_corplus(lengths_articles, int_rep_articles, int_rep_headlines, vocab_to_int): ''' Sort the summaries and texts by the length of the texts, shortest to longest Limit the length of summaries and texts based on the min and max ranges. Remove reviews that include too many UNKs'''

sorted_articles = []
sorted_headlines = []
max_text_length = config.max_text_length
max_summary_length = config.max_summary_length
min_length = config.min_length
unk_text_limit = config.unk_text_limit
unk_summary_limit = 0

for count, words in enumerate(int_rep_articles):
    if (len(int_rep_articles[count]) >= min_length and len(int_rep_articles[count]) <= max_text_length
        and unk_counter(int_rep_headlines[count], vocab_to_int) <= unk_summary_limit and
                unk_counter(int_rep_articles[count], vocab_to_int) <= unk_text_limit):

# Compare lengths to ensure they match

return sorted_articles, sorted_headlines

def create_input_for_graph():

Load data (deserialize)

with open(config.base_path + config.articles_pickle_filename, 'rb') as handle:
    clean_articles = pickle.load(handle)

with open(config.base_path + config.headlines_pickle_filename, 'rb') as handle:
    clean_headlines = pickle.load(handle)

pre_trained_model = create_or_load_model()

word_counts = {}
print("counting  Articles")
count_words(word_counts, clean_articles)
print("counting  Headlines")
count_words(word_counts, clean_headlines)

print("Total Stories : ", len(clean_headlines))
print("Size of Vocabulary:", len(word_counts))

print("creating embedding index .....")
embeddings_index = {};
vectorization(clean_articles, embeddings_index, pre_trained_model)
vectorization(clean_headlines, embeddings_index, pre_trained_model)
print('Word embeddings:', len(embeddings_index))

# find out missing words and thr %
missing_ratio, missing_words_count = missing_word_ratio(word_counts, embeddings_index)

print("Number of words missing :", missing_words_count)
print("Percent of words that are missing from vocabulary: {}%".format(missing_ratio))

'''dictionary to convert words to integers - This is to found total words count that we get from aur corpus(input date)
and out of that what % of words we would be using. This is after removing words that count less than threshold'''
vocab_to_int = covert_vocab_to_int(word_counts, embeddings_index)

word_embedding_matrix = create_combine_word_matrix(vocab_to_int, embeddings_index)

# Apply convert_to_ints to clean_articles and clean_headlines
print("Article Data")
int_repr_articles, word_article_count, unk_article_count = convert_to_ints(clean_articles, vocab_to_int, eos=True)

print("Headline Data")
int_repr_headlines, word_headline_count, unk_headline_count = convert_to_ints(clean_headlines, vocab_to_int)

lengths_articles = create_dataFrame(int_repr_articles)
# lengths_headlines = create_dataFrame(int_repr_headlines)

sorted_articles, sorted_headlines = sort_corplus(lengths_articles, int_repr_articles,
                                                 int_repr_headlines, vocab_to_int)

return sorted_articles, sorted_headlines, vocab_to_int, word_embedding_matrix

'''------- Read main ----------'''
