Open pidgeon777 opened 2 years ago
Two main reasons are:
covers a huge amount of languages.ctags
it is possible to define custom pattern based tags for all files/languages, standard or not, which is extremely helpful under certain situations, thanks to the customizable ctags
engine based on regex.In vista.vim
it is possible to define options such as:
" Executive used when opening vista sidebar without specifying it.
" See all the avaliable executives via `:echo g:vista#executives`.
let g:vista_default_executive = 'ctags'
" Set the executive for some filetypes explicitly. Use the explicit executive
" instead of the default one for these filetypes when using `:Vista` without
" specifying the executive.
let g:vista_executive_for = {
\ 'cpp': 'vim_lsp',
\ 'php': 'vim_lsp',
\ }
" Declare the command including the executable and options used to generate ctags output
" for some certain filetypes.The file path will be appened to your custom command.
" For example:
let g:vista_ctags_cmd = {
\ 'haskell': 'hasktags -x -o - -c',
\ }
, which is purely based on ctags
, is highly configurable:
I think that other than LSP it would be great to integrate results from tag files, such as