simroux / ICTV_VirophageSG

Data and information related to work by the ICTV Virophage Study Group
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Proposal #1

Open SergeyBaikal opened 1 year ago

SergeyBaikal commented 1 year ago

Many thanks to the authors for this wonderful classifier. It works without any problems. All the files needed to work are generated. It would be great if besides the file best_markers-step_1 would generate catalogs separately with "core" proteins.

simroux commented 1 year ago

Dear Sergey,

Thanks for the positive feedback and the suggestion. We will look into it, but I think we should be able to provide separate catalogs for each core protein.

Best, Simon

simroux commented 1 year ago

Ok, just updated the script, now it should also generate a fasta file with the protein sequences for each virophage marker. Let me know when you had a chance to try it if it works for you !

SergeyBaikal commented 1 year ago

Dear Simon, Everything works great! It's a pleasure to work!