Closed oseias-r-junior closed 5 years ago
Seems like this is only the end of the output (there should be some information before the "Real start = 29234 --- Real end = 90649"). It looks however as if the last step "" didn't work properly. Could you try running this command line separately (from the same folder from which you originally try to run ""), i.e.:
./ -f /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa -sp /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/signalp-4.1/signalp -th /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/tmhmm-2.0c/bin/tmhmm
and check the output of this command specifically ?
Hi simroux,
First of all, thank you very much for such a fast response to my issue.
So, I ran the code as suggested. The whole terminal output should be attached output_2.txt Plus a file "2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa_inovirus_coat_prediction.csv" was created by running the code you (and terminal script output) suggested.
Also, I must tell you that in order to running the script "" (the same I sent you the terminal output) in first place, I had to change the file input (2731957639_129103.assembled.gbk, as it came along with the inovirus_detector). It seems that one of the gene were missing. So I edit the file. I'd erased this header-ok-but-missing-sequence gene and then a step for blast finally ran. But as I sent you I still had an issue predicting inovirus coat.
Now, it seems that running it was possible to detect inovirus coat from generated data (2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa).
Me again... I think I found one of the reasons why it was going something wrong. The tmhmm was with wrong path at the header "/local/bin/perl" instead of "/bin/perl". I fixed and finally worked. I'm sending also the output at the terminal as it seems to be ok. output_1_new.txt Thanks again simroux!
Sounds good, thanks for the update ! I will add this information to the Readme in case another user encounters the same issue.
Hi simroux,
I'm trying to use your inovirus_detector with my data, but first I've applied your script to the example_file it come along with the script. But the returning files are not as the expected_results. Also, there is no gff file as output. Follows the output in terminal...
Real start = 29234 --- Real end = 90649 hmmsearch -o /dev/null --noali --tblout /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_vs_Pfam_db.tsv --cpu 2 /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/Pfam-A.hmm /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa
hmmsearch -o /dev/null --noali --tblout /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_vs_InoSuperPCs.tsv --cpu 2 /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/Inovirus_detector/Inovirus_db/Superclusters_db.hmm /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa
blastp -query /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa -db /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/Inovirus_detector/Inovirus_db/Inoviridae_singletons -out /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_vs_singletons.tsv -num_threads 2 -outfmt 6 -evalue 0.001
./ -f /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/Inovirus_detector/input/2731957639_129103.assembled_frag_Ga0128599_102362_prots.faa -sp /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/signalp-4.1/signalp -th /home/oseias/Documents/Oseias/Programs/tmhmm-2.0c/bin/tmhmm Seems like there was a problem with -> we didn't get any output file
I'll be glad with any response regarding this issue.