simroux / VirSorter

Source code of the VirSorter tool, also available as an App on CyVerse/iVirus (
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Difficulty in Understanding VIRSorter out file. #66

Open Raashu911 opened 4 years ago

Raashu911 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Simroux Since the time you recommended to use VIRSorter in the Discovery Environment, I loved working in that, it took time to understand but now I am able to work their. But, now the issue is that I am unable to understand the output files generated over their. That's why I require a brief description of the output files generated in the online environment as I can see it has some extra file which are not mentioned here

Can you please help me in this .? Name of the files I want to know about are:

I just want to know what is their inside the file, as I couldn't make it out

Thanks in advance, Vishal

simroux commented 4 years ago

Hi Vishal,

The files not mentioned in the Readme are internal files of VIrSorter, and not designed to be useful to the user. "Metric_files" folder has some metrics about the expected ratio of phage-like genes, etc, a gene-by-gene affiliation of the input contigs, and partial enrichment scores. "Tab_files" includes the raw output of hmmsearch against PFAM and the virus database, as well as the output of the blast against unclustered virus progeins.

Best, Simon

Raashu911 commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for the help Sir. :-)