simroux / VirSorter

Source code of the VirSorter tool, also available as an App on CyVerse/iVirus (
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Perl: symbol lookup error, Perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck #70

Open JiqiuWu opened 4 years ago

JiqiuWu commented 4 years ago


I installed virsorter on a CentOS system through conda, and run it, then I got an error:

Perl: symbol lookup error: /rds/general/user/lh1019/home/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/List/Util/ undefined symbol: Perl_xs_apiversion_bootcheck

I don't know how to fix it? Does anyone have any clue? Thanks in advance~


simroux commented 4 years ago

This seems like an issue with 2 incompatible perl installs (one from the system, one in the conda environment). Did you successfully follow the steps to add the conda folder to the perl library path ( ? If so, you may want to try installing the List:Util package to the conda VirSorter environment (