simsem / semTools

Useful tools for structural equation modeling
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cfa.mi summary not providing parameter estimates #135

Closed zstickley closed 4 months ago

zstickley commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone!

I've been running into an issue recently when running CFA models on imputed data. Whenever I run summary() on the fit object from cfa.mi, I get model fit information but not parameter estimates. Instead, I receive the following error:

Error in if (categorical.flag) { : argument is of length zero.

I made sure that I'm using the most current versions of R (4.3.2), lavaan (0.6-17), and semTools (0.5-6).

Here is a reproducible example:

#### Data Simulation ####
simMod <- '
LV =~ (.7)*v1 + 
      (.7)*v2 + 
      (.7)*v3 + 
      (.7)*v4 + 
      (.7)*v5 + 

LV ~~ 1*LV
LV ~ 0*1

v1 ~ 3*1
v2 ~ 3*1
v3 ~ 3*1
v4 ~ 3*1
v5 ~ 3*1
v6 ~ 3*1

dat <- lavaan::simulateData(model = simMod,
                            model.type = "cfa",
                            meanstructure = T,
                   = T,
                            sample.nobs = 500)

# Impose missingness
dat$v1[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA
dat$v2[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA
dat$v3[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA
dat$v4[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA
dat$v5[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA
dat$v6[sample(1:500,50,replace = F)] <- NA

#### MICE Imputation ####

# Create predictor matrix
qp <- quickpred(dat)

# Impute data using Mice
ImpMice <- mice(data = dat,
                predictorMatrix = qp,
                m = 100,
                maxit = 10)

#### SEM Testing ####
mod <- ' 
LV =~ v1 + 
      v2 + 
      v3 + 
      v4 + 
      v5 + 


fitMice <- cfa.mi(model = mod,
                 data = ImpMice,
                 miPackage = "mice")

        standardized = T, 
        fmi = T)
lloydxeno commented 4 months ago

I ran into the same issue with cfa.mi giving "Error in if (categorical.flag) { : argument is of length zero" when summary is called.

This is probably a result of lavaan's upgrade to version 0.6-17. semTools worked (and still works) fine with lavaan 0.6-16. The following is reproducible code.

require(remotes) install_version("lavaan", version = "0.6-16", repos = "") library(semTools) library(Amelia) ceer_parent_amelia <- amelia(ss, m = 5, ncpus = 11) imputes <- ceer_parent_amelia$imputations

CEER_Model <- ' dysreg =~ temper + argues + blame + touchy + spiteful + uncooperative + moodswing + frustrated + irritable '

ceer_by_sex_parent <- cfa.mi(CEER_Model, data = imputes, group = "male", estimator = "DWLS")

summary(ceer_by_sex_parent) lavaan.mi object based on 5 imputed data sets. See class?lavaan.mi help page for available methods.

Convergence information: The model converged on 5 imputed data sets

Rubin's (1987) rules were used to pool point and SE estimates across 5 imputed data sets, and to calculate degrees of freedom for each parameter's t test and CI.

Parameter Estimates:

Standard errors Standard Information Expected Information saturated (h1) model Unstructured

. . . rest of the output follows .......

TDJorgensen commented 4 months ago

Yes, that bug should be resolved now. Try installing the latest software:

lloydxeno commented 4 months ago

Thanks so much. I confirm that semTools 0.5-6.933 work with lavaan 0.6-18.1989. Much appreciated!

zstickley commented 4 months ago

This update works for me as well. Thank you very much!