simsem / semTools

Useful tools for structural equation modeling
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discriminantValidity and Shiny #80

Open reyar opened 3 years ago

reyar commented 3 years ago

Hi to all,

The discriminantValidity function does not seem to work in connection with a Shiny app. The problem may be within the lines using lavaan::update(object....

TDJorgensen commented 3 years ago

Can you state more clearly what you mean by "does not seem to work", and please provide a minimal reproducible example to demonstrate the problem. Preferably, write one R script showing what you want to accomplish and display with the Shiny app, and a second script that produces a little Shiny app showing those results (again, not your entire app, just enough to show there is actually a problem when trying to do the thing you are saying doesn't seem to work), and consider using the example data from the help page (or share whatever data you use) so that we can run your scripts. It is possible that in developing a reprex that you might stumble on what specific conditions lead to the problem.

reyar commented 3 years ago

Due to time constraints I'm afraid I cannot offer a minimal repoducible and public example in connection with a Shiny app. But I can describe one solution to the problem that worked for me. Maybe this could be useful for you or for others.

So, this function does not work in a Shiny app, it delivers an error. I have avoided the error successfully by replacing 3 lines and adding the data argument to the function:

discriminantVal <- function (object, cutoff = 0.9, merge = FALSE, level = 0.95, **data**) {
  free <- lavInspect(object, "free", add.class = FALSE)
  if (lavInspect(object, "ngroups") > 1L | lavInspect(object, 
                                                      "nlevels") > 1L) 
    stop("Only implemented for single-group, single-level models so far.")
  lvs <- lavNames(object, "lv")
  if (cutoff <= 0 | cutoff > 1) 
    stop("The cutoff must be between (0,1]")
  if (merge & !missing(cutoff) & cutoff != 1) 
    message("Merging factors imply constraining factor correlation to 1. ", 
            "Cutoff will be ignored.")
  if (length(lvs) == 0) 
    stop("The model does not have any exogenous latent variables.")
  if (length(lvs) == 1) 
    stop("The model has only one exogenous latent variable. ", 
         "At least two are required for assessing discriminant validity.")
  if (length(lavNames(object, "lv.y")) > 0) 
    warning("The model has at least one endogenous latent variable (", 
            paste(lavNames(object, "lv.y"), collapse = ", "), 
            "). The correlations of these variables will be estimated after ", 
            "conditioning on their predictors.")
  psi <- free$psi[lvs, lvs]
  pt <- parTable(object)
  varIndices <- which(pt$lhs == pt$rhs & pt$lhs %in% lvs & 
                        pt$op == "~~")
  covIndices <- which(pt$lhs != pt$rhs & pt$lhs %in% lvs & 
                        pt$rhs %in% lvs & pt$op == "~~")
  if (any(diag(psi) != 0)) {
    message("Some of the latent variable variances are estimated instead of ", 
            "fixed to 1. The model is re-estimated by scaling the latent ", 
            "variables by fixing their variances and freeing all factor loadings.")
    i <- intersect(varIndices, which(pt$free != 0))
    pt$free[i] <- 0
    pt$ustart[i] <- 1
    pt$user[i] <- 1
    i <- which(pt$lhs %in% pt$lhs[i] & pt$op == "=~")
    pt$free[i] <- -1
    pt$ustart[i] <- NA
    i <- which(pt$free != 0)
    pt$free[i] <- seq_along(i)
    **object <- cfa(model = pt[, 1:12], data=data, missing="fiml", estimator="ML")**  
    #object <- lavaan::update(object, model = pt[, 1:12])
    pt <- parTable(object)
  est <- lavInspect(object, "est")$psi[lvs, lvs]
  if (any(diag(est) != 1)) {
    message("Some of the latent variable variances are fixed to values other ", 
            "than 1. The model is re-estimated by scaling the latent variables", 
            " based on the first factor loading.")
    pt$ustart[varIndices] <- 1
    **object <- cfa(model = pt[, 1:12], data=data, missing="fiml", estimator="ML")** 
    #object <- lavaan::update(object, model = pt[, 1:12])
    pt <- parTable(object)
  ret <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(object, ci = TRUE, level = level)[covIndices, 
                                                                      c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", 
                                                                        "ci.lower", "ci.upper")]
  rownames(ret) <- seq_len(nrow(ret))
  constrainedModels <- lapply(covIndices, function(i) {
    thisPt <- pt
    if (merge) {
      lhs <- pt$lhs[i]
      rhs <- pt$rhs[i]
      thisPt$lhs[thisPt$lhs == lhs & thisPt$op == "=~"] <- rhs
      thisPt <- thisPt[!(thisPt$lhs == lhs | thisPt$rhs == 
                           lhs), ]
      thisPt$id <- seq_len(nrow(thisPt))
    else {
      if (abs(pt$est[i]) > cutoff) {
        thisCutoff <- pt$est[i]
      else {
        thisCutoff <- ifelse(pt$est[i] < 0, -cutoff, 
      thisPt$free[i] <- 0
      thisPt$ustart[i] <- thisCutoff
    j <- which(thisPt$free != 0)
    thisPt$free[j] <- seq_along(j)
    **cfa(model = thisPt[, 1:12], data=data, missing="fiml", estimator="ML")**
    #lavaan::update(object, model = thisPt[, 1:12])
  lrTests <- lapply(constrainedModels, function(constrained) {
    lavaan::lavTestLRT(object, constrained)[2, ]
  ret <- cbind(ret,, lrTests))
  attr(ret, "baseline") <- object
  attr(ret, "constrained") <- constrainedModels