simsicon / weibo_2

A ruby gem for sina weibo oauth2 api, with examples, and it actually works.
MIT License
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NameError (uninitialized class variable @@api_key in WeiboOAuth2::Config) #4

Closed inetufo closed 12 years ago

inetufo commented 12 years ago

Integrate with Devise and omniauth, if i don't put WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key = YOUR_KEY WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret = YOUR_SECRET

in environment.rb file, then when i call

client =

NameError (uninitialized class variable @@api_key in WeiboOAuth2::Config) error occurs

simsicon commented 12 years ago

I will try to test and fix this later, or would you like to try to fix it then pull request? ;-)

simsicon commented 12 years ago

I just realized, did you set in your config/initiallizers/devise.rb like this?

config.omniauth :weibo, 'key', 'secret', :scope => 'user,public_repo'
inetufo commented 12 years ago

我是这样设置了的: config.omniauth :weibo, AppSettings.weibo_token, AppSettings.weibo_secret, :scope => 'user,public_repo' 我怀疑是不是weibo_2.rb的这段代码 if Object.const_defined?("Devise") && Devise.omniauth_configs[:weibo] WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key = Devise.omniauth_configs[:weibo].strategy.client_id WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret = Devise.omniauth_configs[:weibo].strategy.client_secret end 没有执行

simsicon commented 12 years ago

I have tested this issue, and did not meet your problem, it works fine for me. Please confirm the below configs you did: 1, Add

devise :omniauthable

in your User model or other devise models.

2, Using the latest version of this gem, try this

gem 'weibo_2', '>= 0.1.1'

in your Gemfile.

3, You have get the authorization by calling the path


and you have a proper way to handle the callback code. If you are not familiar this part, please take this example as ref.

I am closing this issue.

inetufo commented 12 years ago

Yeah, i exactly did these steps you metioned, but it still reports the error without setting WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key = YOUR_KEY WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret = YOUR_SECRET in environment.rb

My environment is nginx + passenger + rails3.2.8